Author's Note - The End

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Hey guys, we've made it to the end of our very long journey and I'm sad to say goodbye to my characters. I've grown to love Grayson and Athena and created a special bond with them even if they're just fictional characters. Since it's the end I decided I wanted to say a few things to you guys !

First off, I want to say when I started writing this book, I was a teenager. First I didn't care to write or to be a writer, I only did this for fun. I had never written a book before, let alone publish one and I've made so many errors and this book could be so much better but it is my first but it will not be my last, I'll write way more books that will be so much better.

While I'm still a teenager, I have learned more things like how to actually write a story and how to be a better writer, I still am just doing this for fun because my life sucks and I have nothing better to do, lol :( but I hope that by writing, I've made you guys' life a tad bit better and I could bring a smile to your face or make you laugh.

Know that you guys are amazing and you will do great things. Follow your dreams whether big or small and never listen to anyone who speaks negative on you, what do they know? Don't let anyone tell you that your dreams or unachievable or that you dream too big, we will achieve everything that our hearts desire ! I love you guys forever and thank you for joining me on this journey, I hope it was an amazing one !❤️❤️❤️

A few of my favourite authors who inspired me to start writing, @eroticroses , @cleopatra-x , @_Dark_Romantic , @EroticMarie , @Virgoswriter2 and lastly @Eclipsc . If it wasn't for them, I would've never started writing, they are amazing writers and you guys should check them out and their books and feel free to leave any other authors who write amazing books also even if you want to leave yourself because you're an author, I'm always up for a new book to read !

Anyways that brings us to the end !

- even though this is the end of Grayson's and Athena's story , it isn't the end of Virgo. I'll be back with new books real soon !

But as you guys know, as the saying goes, Until next time...Virgo !😉💕

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