Chapter 7

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"That was fucking amazing, you're amazing", Grayson kissed me passionately, claiming my lips.

"Thank you for tonight", I kissed him back.

"Anything for my princess", he smiled.

I was exhausted and weak but in the best ways possible. My head was throbbing, all I wanted to do was go to sleep.

Grayson got up and turned on the water in the bath to set a good and relaxing bath for me, I didn't have the energy to bathe but for him I'd do it.

After the bath was finished, he lifted me and carried me bridal style to the bathroom where he placed me in the tub gently.

"Get in with me", he started to walk away but I grabbed his wrist. "I know you want me to but I'm gonna make you something to eat, I'll shower after", he replied.

I simply just nodded my head, I did want him to get in but I understood after all, I was uncontrollably hungry.

I stayed in the tub for about an hour and thirty minutes just relaxing and soaking my muscles before getting out and going into the shower to rinse off.

After my shower, I dried my skin off and I lotion my skin, then I sprayed some perfume on before drenching my skin in skin care. I smelt like strawberries and vanilla but like sexy.

After everything, I put on my pink, satin nightdress before making my way downstairs to find Grayson.

The scent off lemon and garlic along with other things I couldn't describe wafted through my nose, I knew it was coming from the kitchen and as tired as I was, I was hungrier.

I stood there in the archway watching him as he cooked while swaying and bobbing his head to the music that played in the background. The food smelt amazing. Grayson was shirtless and all of his tattoos, might I say he had a lot, his whole body was covered in them, were showing.

His broad shoulders and huge biceps, evident that he worked out a lot. He looked so sexy, if I wasn't so tired and already soar, I would've begged him to fuck me here again.

"Hi mi amore, I didn't see you there", he turned around and looked at me. "Whatever you're doing smells delicious", I said genuinely.

"I'm making garlic butter chicken bites with lemon asparagus and white rice", he answered. "Well it smells amazing", I replied.

"Where is Cynthia", I asked. "I told her take the night off since I was bringing you home and I wanted to cook for you", he replied. I nodded and smiled.

"Okay we're finished, let's eat. I made us Margaritas", Grayson said setting up the table. The food looked delicious, I had to snap a picture.

"Ouu these are pretty, what are they", I asked pointing at the drinks. "Layered strawberry-mango margaritas", he answered. "They look so cute and tasty", I replied.

"Well dig in", he said. I sat down and started to eat my food and I was taken aback by the taste of the food, not only did it looked and smell amazing, it tasted amazing. "Not only is he sexy but he can cook too, this is great", I said truthfully.

"Thank you mi amore", he smiled digging into his food.

"So it's been five years, what's going on in your life. Do you and your mom still fight", he asked. I guess we were getting personal tonight.

"Well I left home and moved here, found a new job, turns out I'd be working for my ex and now I'm here", I chuckled.

"That's it? What happened after us", he asked. "Nothing did, I spent four years trying to forget about you and heal, I just stopped feeling and decided to try to move on. I slept with a few guys but they weren't you, I partied more, barely studied and that's when I decided I had to leave home and start over but yeah my mom and I made up. We stopped arguing as much but I haven't seen her since I left home, I call her a few times and she's okay but that's it. Still nothing on my father's death but my mother said stop searching into it so I've officially given up", I replied.

"I-I'm sorry I hurt you Athena. I never meant for any of that to happen", he apologized, he looked hurt.

"Hey it's okay, I'm okay", I cupped his face. He kissed my forehead.

"What about you", I asked. "Nothing happened either, I kinda just hoped that one day you'd return and yeah I fucked a couple of girls maybe a lot but they weren't you. I just kinda dove into the murder of my mom and work and now we're here", he said.

I couldn't stop imaging Grayson with other girls, other girls that weren't me. Them bouncing on his dick, riding his face, sucking his dick, all the things I did but it wasn't me.

"They didn't matter Athena, none of them. I didn't even finish, not once, you've ruined every other girl for me", he chuckled.

"Just like you've ruined every other man for me", I chuckled.

"Have you been able to find Enzo, the man who killed your mom", I asked.

"Yeah, he's in Italy right now. His brother is re-opening his club. One of the biggest clubs in Italy after mine obviously and he's gonna be there and so will I. Along with Giovanni and Mariano and my other men", he said.

"Are you taking me", I asked.

"No I'm not, I want you to stay here and be safe", he replied.

"Please take me with you, I'll only be safe with you, I promise to be good", I winked.

"Fine", he rolled his eyes.

We finished eating a long time ago but now we were eating dessert while we continued to talk. Grayson made these things called strawberry lemon blondies and they were so good.

"I love you Athena, I love you so much and I mean it", Grayson said. He meant it, he'd told me he loved me every since I came back but this time it was for real.

"I love you too", I slammed my lips onto his and he kissed me back.

After we officially finished eating, I helped Grayson clean the dishes up before he went and took a shower. Then I popped some popcorn for the both of us to share along with sodas and when he finished with his shower, he came back downstairs and we watched some movies together before falling asleep on the living room couch.


A short one but we moving along smoothly! I had some of the chapters mixed up but by the time y'all read I don't think y'all will notice.
Anyways, thanks for reading ! When I'm writing this it's Valentine's Day 2023 and you're probably not reading on this day but still, Happy Valentine's Day bb's !💕💌 Remember self - love is important too !
Until next time, love Virgo, xoxo <3 !

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