Chapter 6

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Grayson gave me a minute to take a look around and I was stun yet excited. Everything excited me. The whips, the chains, the ropes, the belts, the cuffs. Everything. It was all I've ever wanted and more.

Grayson came over to me and cupped my face. "In this room, I'm not Grayson. I'm sir and you'll do as I say. I can use you and hurt you and you're my whore, do you understand", he demanded.

Grayson's voice was filled with lust, anger and hunger and I was so ready for what came next. I nodded.

"Use you words Athena. Do you understand", he demanded.

"Yes sir", I said.

"Now take off your clothes whore", he grinned. He had a devilish glint in his eyes but I did exactly as he said.

Grayson didn't say anything when I took my clothes off, instead he just stood there looking at me. He looked at me hungrily with lust filled eyes. I clenched my legs because I started to feel insecure.

"Keep them open", he demanded. I didn't listen, Grayson felt very intimidating the way he looked at me and I was extremely nervous.

It was so long ago since we had sex like this and I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't a tad bit afraid.

"It seems like we have a problem following instructions", he forced my legs opened. "When I say something do it, you understand", he inquired.

I nodded. He landed a slap to my ass, a hard one in fact. I winced in pain yet pleasure erupted through my body. "Do you understand", he demanded.

"Yes sir", I cried out. Spank. "Again", he said.


"Again", he went on.

Spank.Spank.Spank. My skin was sensitive and it burned and started to reddened where he slapped. I felt immense pain yet pleasure. As dominant and rough as Grayson was, he was soft and caring. He'd soothe the part of my ass that he'd hit so it didn't hurt that bad.

"Suck", Grayson shoved his fingers into my mouth. I kept closing my mouth. "Open, open", he demanded, as slaps came to my face.

I opened my mouth and took his fingers like he said. "That's a good girl", he grinned.

He tied me up before taking his black vibrator, of course it was black and turned it on. He ran it over my pussy, moving his hand along while it vibrated.

Everything in me wanted to take his hair and gripped it but I couldn't because my hands were tied up. He knew what he was doing, I needed him, I wanted to feel him inside me, everywhere. But he was taking his sweet cool time.

"I-I'm gonna c-cum", I screamed.

"No baby girl when you're bad, you don't get to cum that easily. You haven't earned it", he smirked, removing the vibrator from me.

He took my pleasure away and now I couldn't get the release I so desperately wanted.

"Why are we in here Athena", he questioned thrusting his fingers into me.

"B-Because", I stammered. "I can't hear you", he pulled out.

He thrusted again. "Because I seduced Henry and I was out with another man so I'm being punished for it", I had no idea if I said the right thing because I was lost in the pleasure.

"Good girl, keep it up and you might just get the release you so badly want", he grinned, slamming into me.

"O-ohhh f-fuckk", I groaned.

I could feel my pussy clenching around his pulsating dick and it felt so fucking good. "Uh fuck, you're so fucking tight baby girl", he groaned.

Grayson untied me and placed me on the bed, on all fours before he relentlessly slammed into me again and again. "G-Go faster", I stammered.

"Beg me Athena, beg me to fuck you harder", he demanded.

"Please fuck me harder, go faster, please", I pleaded. He did as I said. Grayson went faster and harder. He didn't lose control but he kept it and he was not holding back tonight.

"I'm close baby, I'm close", he groaned. That set him off, he thrusted into me at a really fast pace, going deeper and harder when he pulled out and went back in.

"I'm cumming", I moaned. I was a moaning mess. My toes curled and my eyes started to roll to the back of my head.

Grayson released inside of me and I found my climax right after. He finally pulled out, bits of cum dripping out of me. The cum that was spilling out of me, he wiped off with his finger before thrusting it back into my pussy. I couldn't get enough.

"You're so having my children", he said.

"I so want to have your children", I smirked.

Grayson slammed his lips onto mine before he signaled for me to open my mouth and I did so, moving my tongue slightly for him to have more room. Our tongues intertwining with our saliva.

Grayson groaned against my mouth and I moaned against his.

"Oh baby but we're not done yet", Grayson groaned and I found myself back on all fours.

"Who do you belong to Athena", he demanded.

"Y-You", I stammered, unable to get out coherent sentences.

"I can't hear you Athena", spank. He slapped my ass, hard for not answering. The pain was overwhelming yet I enjoyed it. Grayson brought me immense pleasure.

"I belong to you sir, only you", I was a moaning mess.

"That's right baby girl, your mine, only mine and I'll fuck you, hurt you and use you whenever I want, you understand", he demanded.

"Y-Yes sir", I stuttered.

"I-I'm g-gonna c-cum", I whimpered.

"Cum for me my pretty girl", Grayson smiled.

And I came and came and came. Grayson came right after me for the second time this evening.


So how we feeling, what's the vibe? A lil short but it's fine. I'm not the best smut writer so please bare with me and remember it's my first book so be nice.
Anyways, thanks for reading !
Love Virgo , xoxo <3 !

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