Chapter 26

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"She's pregnant, she's pregnant", I ran through the hospital halls screaming frantically. Athena was in a wheelchair and I rolled her around. I was super excited but super nervous. The chances of the baby being born were lowered now but we refused to give up. It was still Christmas and I prayed we got some kind of Christmas miracle.

Some doctors came and took her from me. "Sir you cannot come into the room with us. It's our procedure", one of the doctors said.

"Listen to me, I'm her husband and the baby's father and our baby doesn't even have a chance of being born, if he is, I need to be there and if he isn't, I still need to be there for my wife so I don't give a fuck about your procedures right now", I shouted. He was taken aback and probably scared so he got the hell out of my way.

I entered the room where Athena was and I watched as they got everything set up for the arrival of the baby. I smiled at her and she returned the smile. I could see the fear on Athena's face but even though she was afraid, she stayed strong, for me, the baby and most importantly herself.

While they did their thing, I called my dad and Athena's mom to let them know she was going into labor soon.

A few hours had passed and Athena still didn't give birth. It was now 10:00p.m and she was fully dilated but nothing happened.

"Athena, I'm sorry beautiful but your baby isn't gonna come out alive. From what we can see he's dead", the blood was drained from her face and my face also. We knew that the chances of having the baby were low but we still didn't expect this. Athena started crying.

"It's okay baby, I'm  here", I held her hand and kissed her forehead trying to fight back tears that threatened to spill from my eyes.

"I'm sorry Grayson, I'm so sorry", she broke down. "Baby it's not your fault, listen to me it's not your fault", I cupped her face gently.

I wished I could so badly remove the pain from her body that she was feeling but nothing I said or do would make anything better. I couldn't imagine being a mother and being told that my baby that isn't even born is dead. I would hope I die to.

"Okay Athena, he's not coming out but obviously we can't leave him in there so you're gonna have to push for me okay. Everything is going to be okay", the doctor told her. She nodded.

"Okay come on Athena deep breaths and big pushes", I held her hand. "Push Athena", she did. "Come on another one, push", they put more pillows around her head. Athena continued to push and push, as tears fell from her face.

"Good job Athena, you're doing so great. He's coming, he's coming", the doctor repeated.

And there he was, our baby boy but he wasn't alive. "C-Can I hold h-him p-please", she stammered. Finally the tears fell from my eyes. "Of course you can", the doctor was sympathetic towards Athena.

She took him from the doctor. He was beautiful, so beautiful. He looked like an exact mix of me and Athena and he had my eyes and her hair. "Mommy's beautiful boy", she cried. She held him close to her heart and I hugged her caressing his cheek.

I didn't usually pray because in my family, we were told to be strong and that's why I never cried either. We were told emotion would get us killed, being vulnerable would get us killed. I never cared for anyone or loved anyone until I met Athena.

I never prayed until now but I was begging God to give us a miracle even if it meant I had to stop with the mafia, I'd do it for my baby. I prayed that something happened that he'd open his eyes. My teardrops fell to his eyes whilst Athena's fell to his face.

"W-Wait something's happening", she shouted. The doctors looked at her confused, I mean I was too. "H-His heart, it's b-beating", she placed her hand over his heart.


"There's no way", one of the doctors said, coming over to take the baby. "Wait hold on, his heart is beating", she said and within a second his eyes shot open and he started crying, loudly. "Thank you God, thank you", I whispered as tears streamed down my face.

"Oh my gosh, this is fucking amazing", she shouted, crying frantically. "I love you, I love you so much", I hugged her being careful not to squeeze her.

The doctors took the baby to clean him up and get him dressed and they ran a few tests on him to make sure everything was good, especially on the inside. "Well guys, you have one big, strong, healthy baby", the doctor returned with our son.

I couldn't fathom how this entire pregnancy Athena had complications and our baby was practically born dead but somehow now he was healthy and strong, all I could do was be thankful and that I was.

"Well what are you going to name him", she asked. Athena looked at me and I looked back at her and she nodded then we both turned to the doctor and together told her what we were going to name our baby.

"Zane Isaiah Deluca", we said in unison. "I'm sorry our Christmas had to be cut a bit short", Athena apologized.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I wouldn't rather be anywhere else and this is the best gift ever", I smiled. Our baby was not only born on Christmas Day but on my birthday also. We had the same birthday. I couldn't be more happier.

For the next three days. Athena stayed in the hospital, they continued to run tests on her, mainly to see if it was possible for her to ever have another child without complications and the good news was that it was possible so you know I was about to put in the work, I laughed at myself.

Zane remained healthy also. I would leave a few times in the day to make sure everything was okay but her mom visited and so did my dad, along with Mariano and Giovanni, who couldn't stop telling me how happy they were for me and seeing that Giovanni was already a dad, he gave me all the possible tips I needed. I was thankful for my men who now were like family to me. I trusted them both more than my other men because they worked for me for the longest.

They have proven multiple times that their loyalty is for me and me only and no matter what they stood by me.

Athena's friend Jacob came and visited her also dropping off an invitation to his wedding and Cynthia also came and visited her but it was finally time for her to leave.

I packed her stuff into the car and then I put the baby inside the car seat before strapping him down and then I helped Athena get in. After about an hour or so we finally made it back to the house where everyone welcomed us back.

The rest of the night, everyone spent fantasizing over the baby. Athena was tired so I let her sleep and I watched the baby. I was the happiest I had ever been since my mom died and I knew she'd be proud of me right now. Life was good. 

After everything I've been through at such a young age, I was finally happy. I had a son, a wife and I couldn't have been more bless. Athena and I, our story didn't start off on the right foot but overtime it got better, I learned to be gentle for her, to love her and to care for her and I know she also loves me.

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