Chapter 19

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"This food is so good", I devoured my food. "The chef is a friend of mine so I had it specially prepared for you", Grayson replied.

"Give him a good tip, it's a-amazing", I said like a happy child. "Anything for you, as long as you're happy", he smiled.

There's that smile that I love so much.

Grayson and I continued to eat our food and talk about one thing to another before I begged him to let me take a dip in the water as the sun officially set.

"You'll ruin your dress", he said.

"But the water looks amazing and it feels good too, please", I pleaded.

"Fine, you're lucky I love you way too much", he let me get in.

Like a young, happy child, I ran into the water and sunk my entire body in. I always loved swimming as a child even though I couldn't swim but it was still fun.

I saw Grayson taking pictures of me as I swam and played in the water like a child. I was so happy, this was the best birthday I've ever had, all thanks to him. I'm so glad I got the chance to be with him again.

Someone once told me, "if you love someone, let them go, if they come back, they're yours forever". He came back and I knew he was mine forever.

"Baby look at that beautiful couple over there", he pointed. I turned around. "They are beautiful", I smiled.

When I turned back Grayson was on one knee, kneeling on the floor. "Oh my gosh, tell me you're being for real", I started to shed a few tears.


It was time and even though I was nervous as hell, I did it anyways because I loved her.

Mariano had the cameras and everything set up and the tv so her family could see but she had no idea. I showed her a couple to distract her before getting on my knees.

"Athena, I've made many mistakes in my life but the biggest one was letting you go the first time I did. I'm not good with this but I promise I'll never leave you again if you promise to be with me forever. Athena I love you so much, will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife", I took her hand.

She started to cry. "Yes, yes, yes. Fuck yes, I'll marry you", she cried.

I put the ring onto her ring finger before lifting her off the ground and kissing her passionately, it felt like our first kissed all over again.

"I couldn't get your family to come because they couldn't make it but they're here virtually", I told her pointing to the tvs.

"Hi guys", she waved at them. "Hi baby girl, congrats", her mom said to her. "Thank you", she smiled happily.

"Let me see the ring, if Grayson did a bad job I'm gonna kill him", I laughed.

She held her hand up and waved it all around showing off the big beautiful diamond. "Oh my gosh, it's beautiful", her cousin said.

"Grayson take care of my baby, please", her mom started to shed a few tears.

"I will Cynthia, I'll take care of her", I said truthfully.

After a long night and a late night swim in the crystal clear ocean, Athena and I finally made it back home.

I opened the door to the resort to reveal a full decorated room with a cake on the table.

"Oh my gosh, you did this", surprise laced her voice. "W-What no", I lied. "You're lying, this is beautiful", she smiled.

"Thank you, I'm so lucky to have you", she hugged me. "No I'm lucky to have you", I kissed her forehead.

"You made today amazing, this was the best birthday yet", she said, honesty lacing her voice.

"Today's not over. We're gonna eat some cake and have fun and then after you're mine", I demanded.

"Oh really", she scoffed. "I didn't forget your behavior today", I said.

"I'm sorry sir", she pouted. "That's not gonna work on me Athena", I grinned. She sounded so sexy, I almost thought about not punishing her.

"So you're really gonna punish me", she pouted. "Judging by how wet you are, you want me to punish you", I reached under her dress feeling her clothed pussy.

She couldn't hide the moan that escaped her lips. "Cazzo (fuck)", I groaned.

"Come on for real, let's eat cake", I had to control myself before I took her and punished her the entire night.

I wouldn't mind and I know she wouldn't either.


So here's a short chapter. I don't know if I mentioned already but Athena's mom and Grayson's maid have the same name, 'Cynthia', it may be confusing for you guys and it's getting kinda confusing for me so I may go back and change it later. Just know these chapters aren't edited and the book isn't even that good, I honestly just do this for fun so please no hate😊.

However, I have books coming that are way better, much more edited and you guys will love them more so just stay tune and hang on until those books are out, I promise you guys will love them so much !☺️

Anyways, Until next time...Virgo !😉💕

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