Sleep At Last

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Liz and I spent most of the afternoon wandering the streets of LA aimlessly, and finally when it started to get dark, we made our way back to the hotel.

Our mess from earlier was cleared, and nobody was in sight.

Liz shot me a quick look, and we started acting like secret agents, ducking around corners, and sprinting through the hall to the elevator.

Once we opened the door, we found a sleeping Ashely on the bed, and a passed out Star on the floor.

"Guess we can take the other bed," whispered Liz, and I nodded in agreement.

I pointed to the shower, and she motioned for me to go first.

While I was washing the last of the shampoo out of my hair, taking the last of the food with it, I thought of how happy we were. Its amazing we've only been here for one day.

Once I got back into the bedroom, I gave Liz a thumbs up to go ahead.

She smiled and made her way to the bathroom. While I layed in bed, I shot Cady a quick text.

Hey how is everyone at home? I typed.

She responded right away. Eh, they're all not even the least bit suspicious.

Great. I replied. Hey Cady, thanks for everything. It sucks you can't be here with us.

Yeah my parents would flip. She said. Plus, I can't leave Shayne here without me. You know he couldn't survive .

I chuckled to myself, and felt my eyes getting heavier.

Well, I'm gonna go to sleep, so I guess I'll talk to you soon.

OK girl. She said. Get a good rest and send my hugs to the group.

Will do. I responded.



I can't say what we would do without her.

Honestly, I envied her and Shayne's relationship. I also envied how beautiful she was.

Don't get me wrong, I have self confidence, but you just can't help being next to someone like Cady and not feeling a little under achieved.

I heard Liz get out of the shower, and the soft snores of Ashely and Star as I let my eyes close.

I don't know why, but I found myself thinking of my father. I thought about the kinds of things I want for my kids.

I hear the door open, and a thud.

"Shit!" yelled Liz.

I sat up and so did the other girls.

We all busted out laughing at Liz's crumpled form on the ground, and she started laughing too.

"Alright, alright. Very funny," she said.

"Goodnight," Star said, getting off the floor and crawling in bed next to me.

"Night," we all chimed, as Liz and Ashely got comfy in their bed.

As I dozed off, my thoughts drifted back to my father and what he looked like.

I could barely remember now.

I allowed myself to forget, just like I had all those years ago, and I fell into the deepest of sleeps.

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