Left Out

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Once we reached the hotel, Matt and I decided to say goodnight and go our separate ways.

We could save meeting the other boys for tomorrow.

I opened the door to our room, and found Star and Ashely talking on the bed, and barely paying attention to whatever movie was playing on the TV screen.

"Whatcha girls talking about?" I said as I started changing into my PJs.

They both grinned. "Our BOYFRIENDS," Star said, putting an emphasis on the word.

Ashely laughed and nodded.

"I figured," I giggled.

"Yeah," Ashely said, "And Liz is still out with that guy she met last night."

"Oh Koda," Star said, "you should have seen the flowers he brought her! She carried them out with her, but they were so beautiful," she said longingly.

"Aw, I bet," I replied, as if I didn't see the whole thing for myself.

"Ok girls, so spill the beans," I said to them.

"What on earth are you talking about?" Star said, trying to hide her smile.

Ashely laughed again, and decided to go first.

"Ah, Shawn is an amazing singer. He took me to the little patch of grass out back with his guitar and sang a few covers for me, and one he's writing himself. I think he's calling it Stitches. He's just amazing. Oh, and his lips! He kissed me right in the elevator. It was amazing!" Ashely cooed.

Star and I awed and I poked Star in the side, making her squeal.

"You next," I told her. She rolled her eyes, but finally spoke.

"Taylor is an idiot," she started. "He took me down to this skatepark where he tried to show off, but fell on his butt every time. He tried to get me to skate, but my balance is awful as we all know. Anyways, we laughed and joked about anything and everything from my hair to his bandanas. He kissed me in the skate tunnel. So adorable," she swooned.

Ashely and I smiled and let her daydream until Ashely pointed at me.

"You," she instructed.

Before I could get out one word, Liz came bursting through the door with the biggest happy face we'd seen since she found out sophomore year that she passed biology with a B.

"What happened to you?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

"You'll never know," she replied, and threw herself onto the bed.

We would have to talk about that later.

"Ok, continue," Star said to me. So I told them about the tree and everything.

They laughed as we all layed back against the wall on the bed, and watched Liz daydream about her date.

Her lipstick was smeared, and I realized something that made me feel a little left out.

As I began to accidentally drift off, I realized I was the only one who didn't finish the night with a kiss.

That would have to change.

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