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         ---Shawn's POV---

All of us guys were in the middle of a fire extinguisher fight (thanks to Cameron) when I got the text.

We need to talk.

Alright. I responded.
Is everything OK?

We'll see.

Oh crap what did I do?

"Hey guys, I'll be back in a few!" I shouted over the yelling. Nobody really heard me, but I figured my absence would go unnoticed.

I put on my shoes and just walked over to her door. Once I knocked, I realized I forgot to grab a shirt. Honestly, I'm not as self conscious as I used to be. That was before I met Ashely. I was able to sing her my new song, before anyone else.

I stopped worrying so much about working out because she loved me just the way I was. Of course she didn't mind the muscle, but she never put me down about stopping.

It just gave me more free time to spend with her, and it was amazing. I just felt bad because I couldn't take her anywhere too public because I didn't want the fans to attack.

As much as I love them, I couldn't risk losing her.

I just wondered what she wanted to talk about. It sounded kinda urgent. Once I saw it was her opening the door in her footie pajamas, I couldn't help but smile.

She didn't look as pleased to see me.

"Hey pretty girl," I said.

"Hey," she frowned.

This was not good. Usually she blushed and looked at the ground or kissed me. Instead, I got a cold "hey" and she shut the door and brushed right by me.

Something is really wrong.

I followed her down the stairs and through the lobby and out the backdoors to the little patch of grass where I sang to her and she talked about her family and I opened up about mine. The first time we kissed. It was perfect.

She's perfect.

She didn't wait for me, she just sat right down and put her head in in her hands.

I sat down in front of her, taking her hands from her face and placing them in my own.

"What is going on? Did someone hurt you?"

She sighed. "I don't know how I'm supposed to feel Shawn," she said squeezing my hands.

I gave her a confused look and she continued.

"When were you gonna tell me about Magcon?" she said looking into my eyes.

I looked away in shame. I hated her seeing me like this, but it was time for the truth.

"I don't know," I said. "To be honest, I don't know when I would have told you. I tried to shield you from it, but I should have known better." It was my turn to sigh.

"Shawn," she said. I cut her off.

"Ashely, I never wanted to lie to you. Its just hard to live like this sometimes, and I just didn't want you to be hurt if the fans didn't exactly "take" to you. It's just a lot of pressure."

"Shawn I'm not worried about any of that. I'm worried about you," she replied surprising me.


"Shawn, I don't care about the fact that you're famous. I care about the fact that you didn't feel you could tell me. We have to have trust or we have nothing," she said looking away.

"Oh, Ash. Of course I trust you. I just don't want you to get hurt." She continued to look into the distance as she stayed silent in thought.

"Look, Ashley. Having someone like you in my life is too precious to jeopardize. I'm sorry I didn't tell you up front," I said.

She nodded, smiling that beautiful smile I dreamed about often.

I couldn't help myself.

I reached up and turned her chin, bringing her eyes back to mine.

"Can you forgive me?" I asked pouting.

She giggled a bit at my terrible acting and nodded. I brought her face to mine and kissed her softly.

Once we parted, she leaned into me and started humming the tune to Stitches. I joined her, singing in her ear as she continued humming lightly.

"Shawn," she said.


"Your bare skin is really sweaty," she complained laughing. I laughed with her, but suddenly stopped. It was then that I knew...

"Ashely," I said.


"I think I love you."

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