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Did I mention how much of a morning person I'm not?

As soon as I heard Star pull into the driveway not even 10 minutes after my alarm, I knew my mood would not be the best.

I had thrown on my sweatpants and a tank top, threw my hair into the messiest of pony tails, and I made sure to give my mom one last quick hug before I made my way to the trunk to load my stuff.

My mom and I don't have the kind of relationship where we're all lovey.

The most I got was a hug and a smile before Star was speeding out of the driveway and onto the main highway.

"Now that its actually happening," explained Star, "I'm not entirely sure how its going to work."

I gave her a disapproving look and ask, "You're not backing out on me now are you?"  

 "Hell no," she whispers with a smile.

As we enter the parking lot, we spot Liz and Ashely in the back seat of a huge truck.

"I guess Cady and Shayne drove them here," Star said.

"Well at least we can talk to them again before we leave," I pointed out.

Cady and Shayne were supposed to be our eyes and ears until we got back.

Of  course at least somebody's family would be asking about them, so Cady would reassure them.

Her boyfriend Shayne would give them updates.

It was Ashley's idea to put on the permission slips that we weren't allowed to have phones on during our "field trip". Smart.

It wasn't that big a deal to our parents anyways since they thought we'd only be one state away.

Little did they know we booked tickets from Asheville NC to Los Angeles California.

As we were ushered over to the boarding docks, frantically squealing at one another, a group of guys caught my eye.

"Guys, check it out," I whispered only loud enough for them to hear.

All attention turned to the boys as we entered the plane.

It was fairly crowded, but we had preordered the tickets so we knew we were close to each other.

The boys took most of the seats in front of us and one in particular caught my eye.

He was blonde, and looked like a much more appealing Justin Beiber.  He caught my stare, and smiled, making me look away and blush.

Oh God, was I in for it.

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