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"Ouch!" I heard Star scream as she was hit once more in the chest.

She was the most spotted of us all, and surprisingly enough she was loving it despite the pain.

Don't get me wrong, paintball fights are absolutely one of the most exciting things I've done, but god does it hurt.

"Frick!" Liz shouted, giving away that she'd been hit.

All around I was shot about seven times, and was doing pretty well. We had been in for almost two hours, and the package I bought was the whole course to ourselves for two hours.

I figured I should get a few more shots in before they shut us down.

That's when I saw an orange vest pass by the bush I was hiding out in.

Oh, it is so on.

I shot out from my crouching position and ran as fast and silent as I could to catch up to whoever was gonna eat my paint.

That's when I saw the person, and I raised my gun and aimed right in her back.

I squeezed the trigger and suddenly I felt a sharp pain in the back of my thigh.

The impact forced me to pull the trigger, hitting right in its mark. We both fell, as I heard a loud cackle laugh escape my assassinator.

I turned over to find Liz standing above me, and Ashely laying near me.

Guess I know who I hit.

Suddenly, Liz jolted forward and joined us on the ground.

Star stood where Liz had, and she jumped up and down with happiness.

"I got one! I finally got one!" Star shouted into the air.

"Is that the first hit you've got?" I asked her laughing.

"Don't judge," she said. "I've never been good at combat sports," she explained.

Liz, Ashley, and I looked at eachother thinking the same thing, and raising our guns loaded and ready.

Star screamed as she was hit multiple times in the chest. She fell to the ground with the rest of us, laughing her head off.

We all joined in her laughter as a siren sounded over the course.

"Guess that's our cue," I said as I stood up and helped up the others.

Walking back, I couldn't believe how much fun we had. We all laughed at eachother as we stripped off our suits.

We had more spots then 101 dalmatians and for some reason it was the funniest thing to us.

It was then I remembered to tell them about Eloise.

"Why did you do that?" Liz asked.

"Yeah I don't like gummy bear girl," Star added.

We all gave her a confused look and she rolled her eyes.

"It looks like she put a bowl of gummy bears on her head in the sun and forgot about them," she explained.

We busted out laughing again, but I decided finally to defend her.

"Alright, alright. Look, she's lonely and just needs a friend. Or maybe a few," I said looking all of them in the eyes.

"We all know how it feels to be alone without a friend. The way I see it is that we found each other and became the best of friends. The least I could do was ask her if she wanted to hang out. Is that so bad?" I asked them.

The three of them had their heads down, surveying the ground.

They knew I was right.

"Well?" I pried.

"You're right," Ashely finally spoke. Liz and Star nodded, and I couldn't help but sigh.

"I'm sorry I didn't ask first," I told them.

"No Kota, don't," Liz said, putting her hand up to stop me from talking.

"You did the right thing. Of course we'll hang out with her," Ashely commented.

Star nodded in agreement and we all joined in a group hug.

"I love you guys," I said. "But this is painful," I winced as Star's elbow pushed into one of my new bruises.

We all laughed once more, and untangled from each other.

I shot Matt a quick text and we headed out by the front desk. My phone buzzed.

Stay there. I'll come pick you up.

I texted him back an ok.

"Hey, Matt's gonna come get us," I told them.

"Actually," Ashely said. "Shawn's gonna come get me."

"Well," Liz said. "Then I'm gonna see if Chris can come get me!"

Star stood awkwardly and we all looked at her to speak for Taylor.

"Yeah, Taylor has to run an errand so..." she said.

"You can come with me," Ashely offered.

Star grinned and nodded her head.

I gave them hugs and headed for the bathroom.

I got a text from Matt saying he'd arrived and I told him I'd be there in a few.

Once I emerged from the bathroom, my eyes found him.

He was spinning his keys in his hand and Eloise was leaned over the counter, twirling her hair around her finger like a petty school girl.

For some reason I was a little irritated.

Once he looked up though, his face brightened as his eyes met mine and I was able to let Eloise's little charade go.

Matt was all mine and I shouldn't be worried.

"There's my girl," he said, slinging his arm casually around me.

I turned to a slightly shocked Eloise and told her not to forget to text me.

As we walked out, I waved to Star and Ashley.

I guess Chris had already picked up Liz.

I had no clue they even had cars, and was pleasantly surprised when Matt unlocked the doors to an older Jeep.

"The chariot awaits," he smiled, gesturing to the passenger seat.

I chuckled and climbed in, wincing slightly.

"Yeah, it'll hurt for a few days," he laughed.

I raised my arm to smack him, and he blocked like a kindergartener, causing me to laugh again. He smiled as he turned the key in the ignition.

I rolled down my window and let the breeze through my hair.

I didn't care where we were going, and I loved it. I was getting used to Matt and his surprises.

I thought of Eloise and immediately forgave her flirtations towards him.

She probably had issues of her own, just like I had told my friends earlier.

We all had more then just physical bruises.

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