Airports Pt. 3

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Ashely confessed to her dad almost immediately after our meeting in the lobbie, and Star told her parents about an hour before we were headed to pick the boys up.

As disappointed as they were, they were still in shock that everyone made it out alive from the wreck, and as grounded as they both were, they were allowed to accept the support the boys were bringing.

Liz decided to wait a bit before she told her mother and father, and I would tell my mom when she woke up.

I called a cab, and Liz and I climbed in, telling the driver to please hurry to the airport.

Chris had already made arrangements for a rental car, and called just before the plane took off to make it four rentals instead of one so they could come and go as they pleased.

Ashely and Star had agreed to stay, agreeing they couldn't leave their parents again for one second.

Cady stayed with Liz's parents while they thought we were running by my house to get clothes, and Shayne agreed to stay with my mother just in case she woke up, which was unlikely given her condition.

I still felt more comfortable knowing someone was with her. We sat in the unloading area for about twenty minutes, and suddenly I saw that bieber hair I fell for the first time I saw him.

Alongside him was a tie-dyed bandana, a puff of dark hair, and the tip of a guitar. They were all here.

I ran under the ropes and straight into Matt's arms, and as I was being swung around, I caught a glimpse of Liz doing the same.

I smiled for the first time in what seemed like a long time, and held tight.

"Hey there stranger," he chuckled.

We locked lips for only a few seconds before I remembered why he was here, and I pulled away. I watched as he looked deep into my eyes and I kept watching as he began to become a blob.

He wiped the first of many tears still yet to come, and pulled me to his chest. He turned to the others, announcing he would meet them at the hotel.

"Me and Liz need to run by my house and get some clothes first, too," I said. He nodded.

"We'll follow you there," Chris said. I gave directions to Mission Hospital to Taylor and Shawn, shooting Star a quick text to let them know.

It took us around thirty minutes to grab some clothes. It was a good thing each of them had their own dresser drawer at my house since we spent all the time together.

I held onto Matt the whole ride back and the long walk up to the rooms to deliver the clothes and necessities.

I was so tired, I thought I would die right there.

Everyone's parents looked at Matt and the guys skeptically, but were grateful for the calm their daughters secret boyfriends brought them.

I headed back to my mother's room, pausing before walking slowly by her side. I looked away, unable to see her in this condition.

She hadn't progressed. Star's parents were almost ready to go home, and Liz's parents weren't far off.

Ashley's dad would take atleast another day, and my mother's stay was still undetermined until she woke up.

Matt covered his face with his hands, and pulled me to him as he had at the airport.

"It's all going to be alright," he sighed. I hugged him tightly, so glad he was there.

"It is now," I said.

I sat in a chair next to my mother, pulling Matt in the chair next to me. I layed my head on his shoulder, and after convincing myself it wasn't possible, everything went dark as I fell into a deep and numbing sleep.

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