1 Morning Feels

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It was 4am and Priyanka was already having her coffee alone in the balcony. She was freezing. Ankit was still sleeping. He's hand moved to feel Priyanka but she wasn't next to him. He got worried and swipe his hand up and down on the bed to check if she really wasn't there. Then he lift up his head frowning. He always is grumpy when he wakes up but this time it wasn't just about that, he was tensed and wondered why isn't she here the sun hasn't even rise yet😕

He got up and searched for her but she was nowhere to be found. Then he went outside and saw her on the balcony. A smile quickly appeared on his face and walked quickly to her. While climbing the stairs he tripped but got up quickly as he desperately wanted to talk to Priyanka.

Priyanka didn't saw him coming up to her as she was lost in her own thoughts.

heeyy!!! Priyanka! Yaar... Priyanka..

She wasn't responding despite him yelling so loud.

Ankitpov- she isn't going to wake up like that.

Ankit's hand was cold bcuz of the A.C inside the house and it was already cold outside too. He lifted Priyanka's shirt to her waist and place his cold hands on it. Priyanka's eye widened and pushed him back.

Priyanka: yaar.. What are you doinng!
Leave me. (ankit was holding her waist tightly)

Ankit: i will not leave u until u tell me about those tears mark.

Priyanka: its nothing, Am just missing my family

Ankit: but i am ur family also..( he said that while hugging her tightly but she didn't hug him back which confused him)

Ankit: u don't consider me as yours?

Priyanka: you are mine! But its just that i want to see my mother and all.

Ankit: i know, but this isn't the actual reason for those tears. 😑

Priyanka remained silent. And her silence confirmed his assumption.

Ankit tried to pick her in his arms but she was protesting. He managed to pick her up and he sat down on the couch making Priyanka sitting on his lap..

Ankit: is it bcuz of yesterday's bashing?

Priyanka was still silent and again it confirmed ankit's words

Ankit: look, whatever was said to you hurts me also. They are portraying you as dominating towards me. But u aren't. Am telling you i love it when you care for me so much and i love it when you and I do....

He cuts himself from saying anything further making priyanka look at him confused.

Ankitpov- yaar shut up dude was I really gonna say that ...!!

Priyanka: when you and I do what??

Ankit: nothing.. Ohh u already had your morning coffee.

Priyanka: yes..

Ankit: am mad at you, 😡

Priyanka: why?

Ankit:you didn't wait for me to have breakfast

Priyanka: i didn't want to disturb your sleep.

Ankit: but you wanted to disturb your sleep by waking up so early... Come on pri the sun hasn't even rised yet and you are up! 😡You know those rude people will make you do all those household chores.

Priyanka: i will do those chores cuz its in my duty, and also i couldn't sleep thats why i got up.

Ankit: you are stubborn you know that 😂

Priyanka: not more than you( she started to smile finally)

Ankit: really😂( he said that while pulling her cheeks)

Priyanka: you haven't brush yet.

Ankit: how do u know?

Priyanka: i can smell it ankiii, 😂

Ankit: achaa😏( he hoist priyanka and laid her on the couch and came on top of her) kiss karru.. You will smell it more.

Priyanka: kya pagal! Get up( trying her best to get out of his grip but gives up eventually cuz of ankit's weight on top of her)

Ankit was lost in Priyanka's eyes and Priyanka blushed at his gaze😊

Priyanka: anki, stop looking at me like that👀

Ankit: why am i making you fall for me😏

Priyanka: shutt upp( she said while slapping his cheeks playfully)

He rested his face on her neck and placed a kissed which made pri shocked😲. But she didn't move and closed her eyes to feel the moment

PRIYANKa pov- why do u do this ankit.. Am trying to make you go away bcuz it won't be good for ur image to stay with me but u still come back😔 and yet you say we are just friends. But friends don't look at each other the way we do. And also you doing all of this knowing that before entering bb house we slept together 2-3 times and got into an argument every time after that. But our last argument was the worst😭 we didn't talk to each other for months and now suddenly am living with u 24/7. How arw you pretending that everything is normal between us.. How??

Ankitpov- pri.. I dont know why am feeling like that the second am not around you it feels like i can't smile again but when I see u all smiles and happiness comes to me automatically. I just want to touch you and feel you. U make me soo happy.. I wish once we go out of this house of madness we still remain the same and everyday i can have you in my arms.. And the only way for that is... No ankit u can't make her your gf. She deserves better but i can't live without her she's mine and mine only...

They slept like that until the bb anthem started. Priyanka was awake but not ankit he was still on top of her. And all the housemates saw them..

Archana: ohhh hoye!! Dulha and dulhun come down now

Ankit's sleep also was disturb now and he got up and went to the bb athem with priyanka

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