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Things were a lot more better now, after their heart to heart convo. Priyanka and ankit were still seated on the couch, enjoying eo's touch.

Priyanka pov

I looked at ankit and saw that he's eyes were closed and could hear  small snores. I'm not even surprised cause he was awake the whole night, obviously he'll feel tired.

" hey... Go to bed, you'll be more comfortable there.", I said to ankit.
In reply all I could hear was hummings. I smiled, Cuz he's sleepy face is the cutest thing to me.

I made him lie down on the couch and got up from there to let him sleep. Then I thought to ask yogesh to go to the bakery as we're out of bread. But the latter was also sleeping. I closed his bedroom door and sighed Cuz I'll have to do all the chores on my own now.
I couldn't even look at the livin room, it was too messy and not to mention about the kitchen.

I put on my apron and picked up the bottles and the snacks. Then I put the dishes in the dish washer cuz i hate doing it myself. While brooming the livin room I made sure to check on ankit as he has a habit of not sleeping still.

Now that the chores were over, I need to do some grocery shopping, Cuz I got no food here. Guess we'll have to eat noodles Cuz I've no will to go shopping rn. Skipped breakfast cuz i didn't feel like eating alone.

Now that there was nothing left for me to do, I went to take a warm shower. I know ankit will be pissed when he'll find out that I showered without him, but that's all his fault.

After that warm shower, I felt a lot more better and sleepy as well. Guess it's because of the house cleaning and all.
I went to ankit to see if I could somehow squeeze in and sleep with him on the couch but that was impossible. With no choice, I had to go sleep in my bed.

Bizarre, I couldn't sleep yet I was tired. I tried a lot but in vain. Perks of being habituated to sleep with someone. I looked next to me and saw the book that I had only read halfway 'king and queen'.
I grabbed it and rolled back in my blanket and read it from beginning to end.

Surprisingly, I wasn't feeling hungry at all. But that doesn't mean that ankit and yogesh aren't.
Its been 3 hours, they must have breakfast. I started by waking yogesh up first Cuz he's easier to wake him up. Then I went to ankit and as expected, he had no will to wake up.
But I do know how to get him up.

I looked around the room to see whether yogesh is nearby. After getting the confirmation that he was nowhere close, I climbed on ankit lied down on his body.

" wanna sleep", ankit said with his eyes half opened.

"too bad... Cuz I'm not sleepy...actually I'm feeling something else...", I used my flirting skills to gain his attention which was a big success.

" something else?", he's deep and sleepy voice was actually kinda cute and hot.

I crossed my arms and placed them on his chest and then placed my chin on those hand. My eyes had a direct view to his lips.
" get up", I said to him followed by a smile.

" a few more minutes", he demanded while ruffling his hair.

" fine... But only 5",I agreed and we cuddled for the next five minutes.

" it's been more than 15 minutes now... Get up", I said while trying to get up but he wouldn't let go of my waist.

" 5 minutes more...", I asked with his puppy eyes and his hands all over me.

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