A Surprise Date.

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Once in the hotel room.. They ordered some food.. Pasta for Priyanka and pizza for ankit.

Priyanka: yaar...eat slowly...

He ignored her and continued to eat fast.

Priyanka: anki.., he still ignored her.

Priyanka: ankit!, she said in a loud tone.

He immediately stopped chewing. He heard her call him ankit after such a long time. And he hated it. He loves the name anki. He also knows that she calls him by his full name when she's mad or annoyed... And right now she was annoyed with getting ignored.

He gulped down the bolus of food and looked at priyanka innocently.

Priyanka: can't you eat slower?... You will end up getting choked...

Ankit: am hungry!!

Priyanka: so am I... But that doesn't Mean you're gonna engulf your food.
Eat slower...

Ankit: fine...

After their late lunch they decided to rest a little bit.. Cuz they shopped for hours and were tired.

Ankit slumped on the bed on his back and extended one arm.. To indicate Priyanka to come and cuddle.

She scooched against his chest buried her face in his chest. She hugged him by waist and he hugged her by waist too with his face buried in her neck's crook.

Conversation in low and husky tone

Priyanka: anki...

Ankit: hmm.

Priyanka: about our wedding...

Ankit: ohh yeah... I've asked you earlier... But you didn't reply..

Priyanka: are you actually serious?

Ankit: I've never been more serious.

Priyanka: you mean you want to get married right now?

Ankit: no.. Not right now... We'll get married when you're ready...

Priyanka: what if I'm already ready?

Ankit: then what are we waiting for?

Priyanka: are you ready?

Ankit: I'm always ready to spend forever with you.

She chuckled and kissed his chest. In reponse he kissed her neck' s crook.

Priyanka: no but on a serious note... Do you actually want marriage??

Ankit: why are you doubting it?.... On the day I've confessed my feelings to you... Ive already said that am ready for marriage only if am getting married to you...Pri... I've never been more sure in my life about anything.

Priyanka:.. Anki.. It's not that am doubting it.. It's just that it's still new for me.. All of this.. This more expressive anki.. You being open with marriage... All the things that you were against or didn't believe in.. You're now doing it all only for me..

Ankit: I've changed for you. But now am not doing all of these only for you.. It's for me also.. You can't imagine how happy I get when am with you.

Priyanka: forever with you doesn't sound bad.. You know..

Ankit: ofc... Actually it sounds like paradise..

Priyanka: but we'll have to wait.. A little... I mean... After our work.. And all.. Maybe next year.

Ankit: yeah.. We have all the time we want.. We don't need to take decisions quickly...

Priyanka: hmm., she said with a soft smile.

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