Jealousy Or Protective?

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Priyanka was sleeping spooning ankit..
The latter started feeling very cold and took all the blanket... Leaving Priyanka with no blanket.

Her sleep broke feeling the cold air in her toes... She saw that ankit had took all the blanket...

She tried to snatch it back... But he pulled back again... Now she was annoyed.

Priyanka: heyy!!

Hearing her he woke up.

Ankit: wa..aachuummm!! ..what, he said while sneezing.

Priyanka then realized that he's feeling extremely cold... So he's taking all the blanket without realizing it.

Priyanka: you're feeling cold?

Ankit: kinda..., she said making him turn to her.

He turned to her and looked at her in the eyes...

Priyanka: you wanna.. Cuddle?

Ankit:... I thought you were mad...

Priyanka: I'm not... I was foolish to react that way... Am sorry...

Ankit: you're what?, he was taking advantage.. Cuz he never hears sorry from her...

Priyanka: I'm sorry... Do you want me to write it on my forehead for you to understand?

Ankit: that's not a bad idea.. Actually..

Priyanka: shut up.., she said while smiling..

Ankit:it's freezing..

Priyanka: i know...and the weather also is like this..., she then took a look at the clock.

Priyanka: it's 2.30pm..but it feels like it's midnight... Look how dark it is outside....

Ankit: can we sleep till dinner?

Priyanka: till dinner??.. But when are you leaving them...

Ankit: i got a message saying my flight has been delayed... Its now tomorrow noon...

Priyanka: when did you get it... Why didn't you tell me earlier?

Ankit: you were mad at me...

Priyanka: ok... Let's put that back... And forget about that..., she said smooching closer to him...

He crossed her hands around her upper body.. Cuddling her tightly as they were both feeling cold.. .and she rolled up her knees up to her tummy and glued her to his chest.....

They didn't sleep immediately and had their fun conversation going on...

Ankit: you should've seen your face.., he said teasingly..

Priyanka: what?

Ankit: you should've seen your face... When you saw those girls flirting with me... I was like damn girl got some rockets...

Priyanka: shut up... That wasn't funny... I still feel like strangling those girls...

Ankit:chill... Am only yours...

Priyanka: i know..

Ankit: you're pretty warm you know..,he said sliding his hands under her clothes...

Priyanka: not you... Your hands are.. Freezing..., she said giggling to his cold hands touches...

Ankit: my hands belong to this body only...

Priyanka: anki...stop these filmy lines... Am sleepy let me sleep...

Ankit: ok.., he said kissing her forehead and they slept like that...

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