Caring Day🙈

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Priyanka's sleep got disturb bcuz her tummy was in pain. She kept moving her legs in response to the pain. Ankit being a heavy sleeper, didn't wake up by her movements.

She tried to ignore the pain ... But then she felt a drop coming down. Her heart beat started rising with the thought of is the drape stained? Is her clothes stained.

Then she sat on the bed and took her jacket on the side and tied it on her waist. She left the room quietly and left to change in the bathroom.

Ankit got close to priyanka's side of the bed, still sleeping. He opened his eyes slightly cuz he was not feeling priyanka there. He opened his eye completely when he realized that she was not there.

He got up and went to look for her cuz he got worried. He first checked the balcony cuz that's where she usually goes then the powder room then walked into the kitchen. He saw her sitting at the table counter drinking something.

Ankit: there you are, he said in a sleepy voice.

Pri: ankit.. Why did you wake up.

Anki: u woke me up, he said walking towards her.

Pri: I tried to be silent tho.

Anki: is everything ok, he said holding up her chin.

Pri: yes. I was just thirsty.

Anki: why u drinking warm water?are you sick?

Pri: noo ankit... It's just that I prefer to drink hot water at night.

Ankit: that makes no sense .. U never drink hot water at night. U drink it when u first wake up.

Pri: u know so much about me, she said pulling a chair for ankit to sit.

Anki: I know everything about u., he winked at her.

Pri: anki ... Even when you are feeling sleepy u don't let any chance fade away to flirt .

Ankit didn't believe the reason priyanka told him. He looked into her eyes then her cheeks trying to see any tear mark cuz priyanka used to make up in the middle of the night and cry when she was upset. But he didn't see any. He was deeply confuse by her.

Ankit: ok.. Let's go to sleep now.

Pri: you go I'll come in a few.

Ankit nodded in yes and left. After a few minutes priyanka came and laid next to ankit.

Ankit had stretched his arm for her to lay on it but instead she lied on her stomach ignoring him. Which got him even more confused.

Ankit: did I do something wrong?

Pri: anki..shut upppp! And sleep., she said irritatedly cuz she was having mood swings.

Ankit didn't fell like giving up so soon. He also laid on his stomach and put his right hand above priyankas waist.
He needed her touch to fall back to sleep. He thought that she might be angry at him so she would remove his hand but she didn't she slept unbothered by it .

The bb alarm rang but priyanka wasn't willing to get up from bed. Which surprised ankit, cuz she never is lazy in the morning.

After trying to convince her for the 5th times he got fed up and picked her up in his arms and walked to the garden area. She kept hitting his chest telling him to put her down she doesn't Want to go.. But ankit didn't listen to her as he knows bb would get mad at her if she doesn't go to the bb anthem and might give her a punishment too.

He put her down once he got lined up and he sang but not priyanka.

Once it was over ankit pulled her into a hug but she gave him a side eye making him move back.

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