A Lingerie

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Days passed.... And it was now Friday... Ankit had to come to Mumbai.. For his shoe's promotion.. His other Co actors will also come... But they'll come tomorrow... Ankit wanted to come early.. To spend some time with his pari. 😋


He was at mumbai airport waiting for pari to come pick him up...

But the paps weren't gonna let him wait alone...

They caught him off guard at the airport with a pretty big suitcase... As if he's gonna be staying for long Days.

" ankit sir!.. Ankit sir!", they were chanting while flashing their cameras at him...

Ankit: flash kyu on hein??.. There's light everywhere... Turn it off...,he said flickering his eyes... Cuz of them putting the flash into his eyes.

" sorry... Sorry...", they apologized.

" kya aap...Priyanka mam ka wait kar rahi hein?", asked the paps.

A pink blush could immediately be seen on his cheeks on hearing Priyanka's name...

Ankit:... Aao kudh hi dek lo...,he said while blushing.

He knows well that Priyanka is going to come... But he's obv not gonna say this to the whole world.

Then a cute little girl came up to him...
She looked so cute with her little bow on.. And ankit couldn't resist it... She was so cute...so cute that he felt like eating those cheeks.

He waved at the little girl... And said 'hi' like a little girl would say...

The little girl felt shy and hid her face with her hands..
He then bowed down on his knees to talk to her properly.

Ankit: aap ka naam kya hein?, he asked in a gentle voice.

" pari", she said in a cute and sweet voice.

As if her cute voice wasn't enough to make his cuteness aggression go crazy... She had to be named pari...

His eyes were glimmering just by hearing pari... And the only picture in his mind was his pari.. His Priyanka... His love.

Ankit: that's such a beautiful name.., he said pulling her cheeks

" thank you", she said.

Then pari arrived in gunjan's car as hers were at the car washer.

Seeing the amount of paps around ankit... She thanked God that she didn't come in her Car...else they would have mobbed them.. If they got to know that she was here.

" chalie....my cab is here..", ankit said...

A little disappointment resided in his voice when he said sad.. Cuz he thought that Priyanka didn't come to pick him up..

The glass were also tinted... So you couldn't see through it..

He silently went to the car.... And waited for the driver to come and open the trunk.

When the driver got out.. He found him familiar looking.
He could've sworn that he'd seen him somewhere... But where??

He ignored it... And only greeted him... He was Going to sit in the front seat.. But when he opened the door... He saw Priyanka in the back seat.

The amount of joy he was feeling onto seeing her... Could be seen on his cutie pie face. He stood there starring at her with a huge grin on his face..

" chaalo!!... Esle they'll see us...", she said to ankit.

" haan..haan...sorry....", he came out from his happy bubble and closed the door immediately.. And went to sit the back seat with priyanka.

Priyanka: weren't you going to sit infront?

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