Caring Day 2🙈

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Ankit was just resting his eyes but soon opened them widely when he felt a movement next to him.

" yes finally " , he thought seeing priyanka slowly opening her eyes.

Priyanka: head, she said while holding her head.

Ankit: wait...

He helped her leaned on the bed's wall and cupped her face with Both of his hands saying " you are finally awake "
With a wide smile on his face.

Priyanka: wdym finally.. How long did I slept.

Ankit: you idiot .... Do u know how much you've scared me .

Priyanka: why are you getting angry... And what did I do to you..

Ankit realized that he shouldn't be venting out his stress on her as she just gain her conscious ..

He then remembered that she hasn't ate anything the whole day so he asked her to go eat together .

Ankit: nothing forget about it... Let's go eat...

Priyanka: but it's so late... And besides am not hungry ..

Ankit: ok enough... Priyanka!, (he got a little mad )

Priyanka was just sitting there.. Confused as she doesn't remember anything that happened..

Priyanka: but ankii... Am not hungry. How can I eat..

Ankit took a deep breath cuz he was seriously gonna lash out at her for being so careless about her health..

Ankit: look am very hungry... And I want to eat... But I won't eat unless you eat with me.. So do you want me to sleep with an empty stomach?

Priyanka: don't blackmail me...( she said in her baby voice )

Ankit: I don't have any other choice.

Finally she agreed and ankit carried her as usual and walked to the kitchen. He sat her on the table counter's chairs and took out the leftover food from the fridge ...

He heated up the food and put in one plate.

Ankit: look I'll feed u how much I want to... And you are not gonna protest just sit and eat. I ain't seeing you fall again...

Priyanka: ankii... What are you talking about ?

Ankit: you don't remember .?

Priyanka: remember what?

Ankit then told her to not worry about it ... As he didn't want to stress her cuz she just got back on her feet.

He fed her and she fed him back...and then they were both full...

Priyanka: let's go to sleep now am feeling weak a little...

Ankit: wait... Took those medicines ..,he said handing her the pills .

Priyanka: what are these for? , she said taking it from his hand.

Ankit: it's for your period cramps. ,he lied ..

Priyanka: how do you know about that? I don't remember telling you.

Ankit: I got to know ...with your mood swings..

She smiled seeing his concern for her and took the pill... The pill was actually for her low bp.

They then walked to their room but in between pri's leg got weaker and started shaking... She was confused about why is she feeling like this.. Thank God ankit saw that and catched her before she fell..

He carried her again to their room and laid her on the bed..

Priyanka: this has become a routine.. You picking me up from bed ... Carrying me everywhere I want to go and also putting me on bed.... Ankii you are making my legs feel useless.( she said the last sentence in a baby voice)

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