Just 1 Day

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It was already past 7pm..and the alarm had rang at least times now. But priyankit were still sound asleep. The alarm didn't make any effect on them.

Then rashmeet came home.. And saw all lights were off. She thought to check on Priyanka's room... But she was hesitant to enter... Cuz she didn't want to walk on them doing something she doesn't want to see😁.

She stood by the door and knocked. She kept on knocking loudly until one of them opens the door.

Inside the room... Ankit was ruffling his face on her cleavage as he had was still sleepy. He was cursing the person who was knocking at the door in his head. He wanted to sleep more in his pari's embrace.

With him moving his face on her cleavage more and more.... Made her wake up too. Her breaths immediately hitched as soon as she woke up... Cuz anki was giving her feels at her cleavage.

She hit his shoulder to make him stop. He stopped and looked at her all innocently.

Priyanka:... Ankii... Open... The door... I.. Think it's rashmeet...

Ankit: tell her to go away...urrghhhh!!

He said getting up as they couldn't bare hearing those knocking sounds again. He opened the door and rashmeet stood there without saying anything.

Ankit: what do you want..., he said grumpily...

Rashmeet: it's dinner time.... I brought butter chicken and masala.

Hearing the menu for the dinner today....ankit's grumpy face turned into a kiddo' face. He wasn't the only one that wanted to eat butter chicken and masala today... Priyanka who was still rubbing her eyes to get rid of her sleepiness.. Widened her eyes the moment she heard butter chicken.

She quickly got up and stood next to ankit.

Priyanka: am hungry.. Now that you spoke about butter chicken and masala let's go eat.

Ankit:... Why did you kept knocking like a mad person... You could've just enter and woke us up.

Priyanka hit his shoulder cuz she knew that rashmeet did the right thing to not enter like that. It would have been an awkward situation for all 3 if they to be doing something intimate.

Priyanka: anki.. Leave it.. Let's go eat now.. Am hungry!, she said in a baby voice.

He found her voice cute and squeezed her cheeks. She smiled at him.... She isn't used to ankit pulling her cheeks... Its rather her who does that most of the time. But when he does it.. She feels so much loved and want to pull his cheeks back.

They sat at the table for dinner.

For a change... Ankit was feeding Priyanka with his hands. Usually it's Priyanka who feeds him...

And all of this had to be watched by their dear friend rashmeet.

Rashmeet: guys... I didn't ask to be the third wheeler.

Ankit: neither did we ask for one...

Priyanka: anki.. Don't be mean.

Rashmeet: dude... Be grateful that at least I brought food for both of you..

Ankit: fine... Thank you.. Also when are you leaving to go see your family.?

Rashmeet: tomorrow morning. Why?

Ankit: cuz there won't be anybody to disturb me and Priyanka.. You can come back after 4 or 5 Days.

Rashmeet: haha... Unfortunately for you I'll be back in 3 days. So enjoy the 2 days that you guys will get.

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