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Priyanka couldn't sleep. Her throat suddenly went sore and her nose started to run. Her eyes were getting teary for no reason. She felt her sinus burning.

She got up and she couldnt even stand properly. She was feeling so weak. Her whole body was paining.

She walked to her kitchen and turned on the lights. She called for Rashmeet... But then she realised that she wasnt home..

She opened up a cupboard and took out her medicine. Her vision was getting blurier and it was getting harder for her to stand on her feet.

She immediately sat down on a chair before she could faint. She breathed in and out to keep her consciousness.

She took her bottle and swallowed the pill. She remain seated on the chair until she felt like she could walk again.

Then she walked back to her room with a thermometer in her hands.
She laid on the bed and checked her temperature. She was shocked to see her temperature. It was so high. Almost 42°c.

She just threw it aside and her eyes closed instantly. She didn't had the energy to do anything. It was like her body gave her up and just turned herself off.

Ankit had early shoot so he woke up and as always the first thing he did was to text priyanka good morning.
But he didn't expect her to reply as it was very early and he knew that she wouldnt be awake at this hour.

He went to get ready and went for his shoot.

On the other side, pri was like a half dead body. Her temperature was too hot. She couldnt even move her body due to pain.

She had such a high fever. She kept on sleeping... Cuz she couldn't stand.
She felt like the world had stop spinning and it was her who started to spin around the world. She was feeling dizzy.

At lunch break.. Ankit thought to check on priyanka as she hasnt answered his text yet nor called.

When he called she didn't pick her phone up... Cuz she wasnt even feeling alive and just lied on her bed like a dead body.

He called her up several times but she didnt answer.
He knew that something was off.. Cos she would never ignore his calls like this... Unless she was mad at him... But he hadn't done anything to make her mad... So the problem must be something else.

He then called Rashmeet to ask her about priyanka.

But he didnt got anything from her as she said she wasnt home last night and its now that shes heading back.

He went back shooting with a tensed face cuz he was worried about priyanka.

When rashmeet came back home.. She found that lights were off and all the windows were closed along with the curtains. She found that odd.. Cuz priyanka always open them up when she gets up... And she never forget to do that.

She then went to her room to check on her. She got scared seeing her condition. She was trembling on the bed and she looked so pale.

She went to her and shook her body a little to wake her up. She was surprised to see how hot her body was...

She shook her so that she come back to from her trance but in vain.

Priyanka's mind wasnt working... Nor her body.

She was only seeing things that she would forget about the next second.

Rashmeet got tensed seeing her condition and decided to call a doctor. After a few minutes the doctor came and checked up priyanka.

He himself was shocked to see her body temperature. It was 42°c..

He asked Rashmeet to bring cold water and a towel. Then the doctor carried out cold compression on her forehead to cool down her body temperature.

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