Jealousy Game

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They were like 2 babies sleeping peaceful until ankit devilish side took over.

He woke up seeing priyanka in his arms. He slid back the hair strands that were on face behind her ears. He admired her beauty and kissed her forehead.

Ankit knew that today is going to be a great day as he woke seeing his lucky charm.

Then a naughty taught came into his mind when he saw her t-shirt misplaced. Her bra straps were falling off her shoulders as it wasnt so tight. Her upper breast was a little visible to him. He couldn't help but admire her with such fondness.

He taught to tease her so he crossed his leg around her body and brought her even more closer by pulling her to him with his leg.

Priyanka woke up sensing someone pulling her. She got surprise to see their closeness and tried to back down.

Priyanka: anki... What are you doing ?

Ankit: can't you see what am doing?

Pri: ankii.. Nooo..

Anki: if the cameras are bothering you then..., he said pulling the duvet upon their head, covering them completely.

Pri: let go..

Ankit was massaging her waist and pulled it with force , resulting their body to collide.

Anki: I've missed you...

Pri: it was only one night .... Chill.

Priyanka was getting too shy now. So she tried to back away but ankit was in no mood to let go of her.

Anki: one night without you feels like a year without rain.

Priyanka was not understanding where so much love was coming from.. He was expressive before his eviction too..but this is something different... He was using words .. For the first time his actions were matching his words ..

Pri: anki..

Anki: hmmm...

Pri: what are we?

Ankit's grip loosen when she asked that question. It wasnt because he was scared of the question but it was because he realized that the things that they have been doing were not things that friends would do. But for him she was more than his best friend. He hasnt tell her any of his feelings with words but somewhere he kinda hoped that she would understand it by his actions.

And she did, but she just wanted to hear it from his mouth to clear away all her doubts and confusions.

She wanted to hear those 3 magic words from his mouth. 

Ankit: friends..

Priyanka: friends??

Ankit: yea..y..y...yeah, he said hesitantly.

Priyanka: cut the crap... U are not even sure yourself.

Ankit: priyanka... Let's ignore these for a moment ..

Priyanka: no ankit... I'm deeply confused by you.

Ankit: I promise I'll clear away all your confusions once we get out of this place.

Priyanka: I can't wait.

Ankit: you'll have to., he said kissing her temple and they fell asleep again in eo's embrace.

As usual the BB alarm rang and everyone woke up to attend the BB anthem. Ankit really missed that one day when he got to wake up without that God damn alarm, unfortunately it was only for 1 day. But happy to wake up next to priyanka. He rather have 1000 thousands alarm ring if that meant that he would be waking up next to priyanka.

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