Admiring Game

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A few more hours passed and it was gettin very late.
" Priyanka...", I called her name out to gain her attention from gunjan.

She raised her head in question.
" we have to go now. It's very late and my flight has been preponed.", I said.

I could sense the disappointment in her face. The same expression that comes everytime one of us has to leave. I know it sucks that we can't be together 24/7,but at least we try to meet each other every month.

She rested her head on my shoulder and said, " I don't want you to go."
I wrapped my arms around her, " i know. But I've too."
Gunjan was admiring us. She loves Priyanka a lot. She's almost like a big sister to her. She loves what she loves and hates what she hates.
I'm happy to know that pari has two people here, gunjan and Vikas, to take care of her when am not here. I know she can take care of herself and all. But it's great to know that you have someone who you can count on.

After a few minutes, ankit, Priyanka and yogesh finally got up from their seats and headed towards the door.

Priyanka pov.

It came time for us to leave. We hugged them and got in the car.
Ankit and I sat in the back seat while yogesh in the driver seat.
He didn't even complain about not having anyone sitting next to him.
I just wanted to be with ankit as he's leaving tomorrow and god knows when we'll meet next.
I rested my head on his lap and his hands automatically ran to my head. He scratched my scalp,making me feel relaxed. I know that he knows that am sad with him leaving. But he can't do anything about it. When works call, you have to attend it.

I didn't even realize when we reached home. Maybe that's because I fell asleep on his lap. When I eyes opened, the first thing I saw was ankit grinning at me. Did he really watch me sleep all this time? I mean I wouldn't be surprised if he did. He loves watching me.

" wakey wakey, we're home", he said in a soft voice and helped me get up. Once I sat straight, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

We got out of the car, still glued each other and walked till the front door. The house was so warm, I should've let the climat on.
" it's soo hottt in here!!!", yogesh exclaimed.

Ankit and I both ignored him and went to our bedroom to spend our time left together before he leaves.
I was going to go remove my makeup but before I could cross the line that divides the bedroom from the bathroom, ankit pulled me towards him with force and we slumped on the bed together.
I was on top of him, and he was just admiring me like am some diamond. Well, i am a diamond.

I raised my head in question. In return he gave me his warm, soft and peaceful smile. I couldn't help but let out a little giggle and brush my nose against him. We didn't say a word. Cuz we didn't need to. Our eyes were enough to express how much we're craving each other. We aren't even distanced yet, but we can imagine how it'll be once it happens cuz we've been there.

His hand made its way to my hair strand and tugged it behind my ear.
" it was comin in my way. I want to see you fully", he said.
This was so filmy. It felt like we were acting for a movie, the only difference is we didn't need to act. It was all genuine emotions. It was all real. This wasn't a fairy tale for cameras. This is us.

I giggled hearing his flirty lines, he sure does know how to make butterflies erupt in my belly. He flipped me over so that he could be on top. Ankit is someone who doesn't mind to be submissive. But he's more of a dominant guy. It's true that I prefer to seduce more than to get seduced but come on...who wouldn't want to get seduced by ankit gupta??

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