Love Talk

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It was 6am and priyanka was trying to get out of ankits embrace. She isn't the type of person to sleep till 10 or 11 am in contrary to ankit.

She tried to get out but couldn't. He held her very tightly.

Then her phone started to ring. This broke ankit's sleep. She took her phone which was on the side and saw the contact name. It was rashmeet.

Ankit: ...who calls this early in the morning. , he said with a grumpy voice.

Priyanka answered the call.

The call:

Rash meet: heelllooo.??? Priyanka where are you?

Priyanka: wdym?

Rashmeet: are you ok?

Priyanka: yes why wouldnt I be?

Rashmeet: you didn't come home after the finale.... So I thought to check on you... Btw congratulations for winning...

Priyanka: woh..... I stayed at a hotel.
And thank you..

Rashmeet: ok... Well sorry to disturb you.  Bye... See you later ..

Priyanka: it's ok... Bye..

Ankit who's arms were still wrapped around priyanka could here everything.

Ankit: .. What's the use of apologizing now ... She already disturbed us., he murmmed.

Priyanka: oh hello!! Mein tujhe utne wale thi .. Lekin uske pehle ..she called
, saying that she removed his arms around her and walked to the bathroom.

Ankit also got up and followed her their. He joined priyanka and they brushed their teeth together.

Priyanka: you go take a shower.. I'll order something to eat.

Ankit: no... I'll shower with you.

Priyanka: stop being a baby.. You can shower on your own. ,  she started to walk out from there but before she could go ankit picked her up. Like that....

Priyanka: ankiii!!! 

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Priyanka: ankiii!!!  .. Put me down!! , she said tapping his back.

Ankit: nope!

He then took her to the shower removed her t-shirt and kissed her while turning the shower on.

Their body was touching as he was already shirtless. He then slide his hand from her back to her ass and slid off her panty. Then he took off his underwear and slide his tongue till her neck. He kissed it, sucked it and bit it. This made her moan.

Her mind was telling her no but her heart and her body didnt want to stop. She pulled his face to hers by tugging his hair. They starred into eo's eyes until he spoke.

Ankit: you turned on?

Priyanka: yes...

Ankit: jump..

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