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After some long minutes of driving they finally reached the beach. There sajid ji was already waiting for them.

He saw them walking together hands in hands and found them cute.

Sajid: hii ankit.. Hi Priyanka, he said extending his arm to side hug them.

Priyanka: hello sajid ji..

Ankit: we didn't meet for months and you've already grown out your hair like a girl.

The 3 of them laughed at his words and they talked for 2 or 3 hours.

Sajid: so... Weren't we supposed to meet earlier.... What happened?

Priyanka: actually... We slept till late.. We even had lunch late..

Ankit: Haan... We didn't even sleep last night...

Sajid: achaa.... What did you guys do all night long... Then.., he said teasingly.

Priyanka blushed remembering what they did last night... And couldn't find words.

Sajid had a teasing smile seeing Priyanka smile like that..
And understood that they had some heated moments.

Sajid: so am guessing That you both are more than friends now.., he said with a warm smile.

Ankit and Priyanka had the brightess smile ever... They still found their journey from friends to lovers so fabulous and heart-warming.. It was also something that they didn't expect.. Especially ankit. He had made up his mind to never fall in love again. But Priyanka made a great impact on him. She showed him how to love again. And now he found himself loving someone more than he never did before.

Ankit: yes... We're now a couple...and we are very happy with eo.

Priyanka: never been happier.

They gave eo a smile that spoke how much they love eo and how much was the scale of their happiness they had..

They talked for a few more minutes.. And had tea at a close café.

After that they headed back to their cars. On their way back... They had an unexpected surprise. They were surrounded by paps again..

They had no other choice but to pose for them and answer some questions.

Ankit couldn't control himself. He kept teasing Priyanka infront of the paps.

One reporter asked him about how is he feeling coming back to Mumbai..
He answered that he is very happy to come here again.. Then priyanka added.. About how is he feeling after meeting her.

He hugged her and said... I'm soooo happy seeing her and being with her.
She blushed back and her feeling was mutual too.

One reporter asked Priyanka if she feels like she's in between sajid and ankit.

Ankit said.. That he likes to suck the bone in between the kebab.. Priyanka laughed blushingly at his flirteous line.

She hit his shoulder as he openly flirted in front of cameras and she knew that this was going to be a breaking news..

After a lot of questions answered priyankit decided to leave.. As some of the reporters were getting too personal with their questions.

While leaving Priyanka noticed the people who got troubled at the restaurant bcuz of the paps were there. She made sure that she was forgiven even though it wasn't her fault.

Ankit didn't like how she was apologizing continuously about something that she wasn't even responsible for.

He held her hand tightly and dragged her away from those people.. She was about to say something but then a reporter asked her to say her famous lines that she had said about ankit on bb.

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