We Are In Each Others Heart And Thoughts✨❤️

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The shoot ended and priyanka went to change into her pyjamas. Ankit also went to change after she was done.

They sat at the dining table to have their dinner. Everyone was having their food when BB had announced a shocking news.

BB: abhi ici vak, 2 log iss ghar se evict hojaenge.

Priyanka hand movement stopped from feeding ankit and her heartbeats started rising.

Ankit could hear her heartbeats as it was beating faster in each second passing.

He held her both hands and placed it down, looking into her eyes saying .

" everything will be fine and what is meant to be will be meant to happen "

Priyanka hugged him tightly and he hugged her back.

Ankit: heyy.. Calm down ... Don't stress .. Your health is still not at its best.

Ankit also wasn't expecting this. But he had to keep his calm so that he can calm down priyanka .

Ankit: and we don't even know whose going out.

Priyanka: I know...but I can't help it.

Ankit: why are you scared of being evicted .. You won't be evicted so soon.

Priyanka: idiot!! It's not about that. I just dont want to get separated from you. If I go or you go ..then we will be far away from eo.

Ankit could understand her fear .. She thought that once we will be out from here I would go back to the old me and we won't talk to eo. But little does she know about the things I've planned for her once we get out. But first he wanted her to win then come out. He also had the same fear. He never ever wanted to be far away from her. But he needed to keep his calm and control his emotions rn.

Ankit: don't think about it... And it will just be physical distance. I'll always be in your heart and thoughts , he said pointing at her chest and her head.

Ankit: and you'll always be in my heart and thoughts, he said pointing at his chest and head

Priyanka became emotional with what he said and hugged him even more tighter burriying her face in his neck's crook.

Ankit moved his hand around her back and patted her head to relax her.

Then bb asked all of them to come in the living room. They hold eo's hand and took a seat still holding their hands.

this elimination was different from the others. Biggboss did not waste time to eliminate. He directly said their names and wished them that they succeed in life and career.

BB: toh.. Pehla naam hein.... Sreejita aur dusraa...

Priyanka's grip got tighter and tried to hold her tears. Ankit kept silent and was just waiting for bb to say the name...

BB: dusra hein. Ankit.

Priyanka loosen her grip and opened her mouth in an small 0 shape, Processing what just happened.
In no moment their happy bubble got shattered. They were going to be separated for a few months more. Ankit had prepare himself for this so he wasn't so surprised like priyanka was.

Sreejita and ankit got up and said " ok biggboss "

Priyanka wasn't believing this. She kept on hoping that biggboss will come back and say that this is a prank .

She was about to shatter but hold herself and asked ankit to come to the powder room with her as she wanted to talk to him in private.

Ankit was talking with vikas. Then he looked back at priyanka and saw her facial expression. He was about to say something to her when she asked him to come with her.

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