The Clip

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'beep.. Beep.. ' it was the second time it rang...

Ankit: turn that shit off!..., he said burying his face deeper in priyanka's neck.

She extended her hand till her phone which was on the table next to her and switched off the alarm..

Priyanka: good morning...

Ankit: good morning.., he said at her neck.

His hot breaths gave her chills...but she needed to start getting ready.

Priyanka: wake up... I need to go... And you need to leave for shoot.

Ankit: I won't leave you for 1 second...

Priyanka: ankiii!!!!, she screamed laughingly when she felt a teeth biting her breast through her cloth..

She then hit his back to make him stop.

Ankit: I will stick with you like your puppy until you leave.

Priyanka: .. Let me use the bathroom at least..

Ankit: ok..,he said getting off her.

She stood up and took a hair clip to tie her hair... While ankit was checking out her booty which was kinda visible as she only wore a panty.

Priyanka saw him starring at her butt through the mirror.

She took a pillow that was on the chair and threw it at him.

Priyanka: control...

Ankit:.. It's.. It's. Tempting..

Priyanka: no....!! I need to leave...

Saying this she walked to the bathroom. She was about to close the door to the toilet but before she could do so ankit hold it back.

Ankit: I said that I'll stick with you for each and every second passing by..

Priyanka: ankii.... You can't come in the toilet with me.., she said laughingly at his baby behaviors.

Ankit: idc.. I'll stick with you..

Priyanka: well you can wait at the door. Not inside...

Ankit: fine... But keep speaking with me.

She nodded yes and pushed him out, closing the door. After that she went to brush her teeth. Ankit too took his toothbrush and they brushed together.

Then priyanka told him to go shower in the mean time she'll make breakfast.

But ankit was determined to do everything with her as he wanted to live those few minutes they had to the fullest.

Priyanka couldnt deny his cute pout and joined him in the shower. After that they got ready and went to the kitchen.

Her airport fit...

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