I need Love And Affection

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In the morning,around 6am.. Priyanka was already up and was currently making breakfast in the kitchen. She was preparing breakfast for her, ankit and rashmeet.... She would be coming around 7am...so she's making food for her also.

In one bowl... There were all kind and sorts of fruits. Papaya,guava,pineapple,litchi and mangoes... In one plate... There was bacon... Sausage... Omelet and chicken ham..

It seemed so delicious but it was still not enough.

She had pre commended some pastries and they had been delivered in the morning. In a small basket.. We could see chocolatine,croissant,pain raisin, and tarre tarre..

It seemed so yummy and it was still hot.

She then arranged everything on the table and placed a glass of fresh fruit juice that she has made herself next to each plates.

She covered all the food with a lid so that flies don't get in.

She then went to wake ankit up. When she got in the room she was surprised to not see ankit there.. She called out his name and she heard a humming in reply from their bathroom.

She then went to the door and knocked on it.

"it's open", he fumbled with toothpaste in his mouth.

She walked in and saw him brushing his teeth. Seeing him waking up early.. Without any complains was new to her. ...

Priyanka: good morning anki.. That's new.

He spit out the toothpaste and said.
"good morning baby.", he then put his brush inside his mouth again.

Priyanka: baby??.. Where do you keep bringing all these names?

Ankit: i can't call you baby?

Priyanka: i didn't say that... I just found it new.... You would never call me that...

Ankit: well baby.... Did you sleep well?..

She blushed at hearing him saying baby... It was kinda cringe but not for her... She found it cute...

She walked closer and kissed his cheeks while he was brushing... And said" yes... How can I not sleep well when you're with me.. "

His hand stopped brushing when he got an unexpected but pleasant kiss on his cheek.

He was about to pull her closer but before that she left saying..." hurry up... Breakfast is getting cold. "

He smiled at her seeing her messy bun. She looked so hot with That.

After brushing he joined Priyanka at the table.. She hasn't touch her breakfast yet as she was waiting for ankit.

Priyanka: how come that you woke up so early?

Ankit: well my sleep broke... When I couldn't feel your touch...and when I woke up I didnt see you anywhere... And I knew that you were in the kitchen cuz i could smell bacon being cook from here.. I was coming to you.. But then I felt the urge to pee. So I went into the bathroom..

Priyanka: ok relax... I didnt ask for an explanation...

Ankit: who are these for?, he said pointing at the extra plates.

Priyanka: that's for rashmeet... She will be here any minutes now..

Ankit: arghh.. I forgot that she's coming...

Priyanka: don't be mean...

Ankit sighed and took a bite of his breakfast.

Ankit:hmmmmm!!!! Fuck!! This is so gooooddd!, he said and immediately took more bites.

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