A New Start

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Ankit came up to Priyanka starred at her for a while. He was too puzzled to speak.

Ankitpov- kya bolu mein isse?? Is she ready to talk😢

After a while the silence finally got broken when ankit tried to lay on top of her.

Priyanka: ankit, mat kar!

Ankit: kyu😑

Priyanka: i don't want to

Ankit: k. (he said while taking a seat next to her)

Ankit: pri. Am sorry, i know I've hurt u but(he got cut off by pri)

Priyanka: but nothing. What happened already happened.. Now u go ur way i go my way.

Ankit: what? U gonna give up on us so easily 😕

Priyanka: their is no us, ankit!

Ankit got hurt by what she said and laid on top of her, putting all his weight on her. Hence crushing her.

Priyanka: ankittt.. Ankitttt(struggling to get out of his grip)

Priyanka: ankit u are crushing me i can't breathe... ( she started debating even more and started to hit him unintentionally)

Ankit: oucchh!!! Yaar mujhe kyon mar rahe( he said while adjusting himself but still being on top her and letting her breathe)

Priyanka: aur kyu nhi!... Itni cheezein boli hain tumne mere bare mein 😕( a tear escaped from her eye)

Ankit starred at the tear and wipped it with his hands. She started crying even more and he continued wipping them..

Ankit: pri.... I didn't mean whatever i said... U are very important to me. So important that u can't even imagine.
I will never do something to hurt u again pri. Cuz I lo..( he stopped realizing what he was going to say to her)

Priyanka: cuz u what?

Ankit: nothingg... 😳

Priyanka: why you blushing all of a sudden...

Ankitpov- bcuz i have just realize that i love u

Priyanka: heyy! ( snapping her finger to bring him back to earth)

Ankit: ah yes sorry... I got lost in those beautiful eyes😍

Priyanka: my eyes?

Ankit: no mine, i can see their reflection in yours😏

Priyanka: stupidd! ( she hit his shoulder and he suddenly hold her tighter making pri's breath difficult but she didn't mind.. She liked their closeness... Until)

Ankit slide his hands to the hem of her shirt and slide his cold hands inside making her body shiver. He then burried his face on her neck and let out  several hot breaths from his mouth making her gasp continously.

Priyanka: mat karr( she said it unwilling bcuz she didn't want him to stop)

Ankit: kyu?? 😢

Priyanka: achaa nahi lagega

Ankit: u don't like it? 😢

Priyanka: TV PAR achaa nahi lagega!

Ankit: achaa..

He got up, picked her up in his arms and went all the way to their bedroom. He laid her down, he laid next to her. Put aside her blanket and used his blanket to cover both of them. They were now inside the blanket. Ankit removed his mic and then removed pri's.

He hold her waist and brought her closer to him. Their faces were only 1 inch away. Priyanka's breathing rate rises as he started getting close to her. Ankit was aiming her lips but then changed his direction and placed his lips on pri's neck. He lift up her shirt and slide up and down on her back. Her bra clasp was preventing him to feel her back completely so he uncrooked it. She was shocked and opened her mouth widely.

Priyanka and ankit whispering

: ankit.. What are you doin!

Ankit: i know u want it

Priyanka:  but this is not the right place.

Ankit: but u do want it!

Priyanka: anki. This is not the rig... ( ankit cut her off)

Ankit: yes or no! ( he said while starting to kiss her ear lobe)

Priyanka: ye..ye.. Yes

Ankit heard what he wanted and sucked her neck only once. But it was a strong suck... Pri gasp at the feeling.

Ankit then crossed their legs, hugged her even more tight and kissed her forehead. They slept like this till morning.


Archana, sumbul and priyankit were sharing the same room.

Archana got up before the bb alarm and saw Priyanka and ankit under a blanket, close to each other... She wanted to tease them. She woke sumbul up and they slowly walked towards them..

Archana: hay hoye... Ye kitna cute hai

Sumbul: archana shut up! Wo utt jayega.

They quickly pulled of the blanket and felt to screamed over cuteness aggression. "awwwww" 😍

Priyanka woke up but not ankit.. She was struggling to get out of his grip like always. Her bra clasp open. His hands on her bare back. Her tshirt misplaced... All these thoughts  on her mind but the major one was, this is on camera😭

She didn't had any choice but to pinch his nipple to make him wake up.

Ankit:ouchhhh!!!! Yaar kyu pinch Kiya wobhi wahan.

Priyanka: u were not waking up.

Archana: are yarr pari.  Tunne usse itni achi neend mein eyssa kyu uttaya🤣

Sumbul:😂 u guys look so cute... Are you guys still friends or... 😏

Priyanka: shut up both of u. ( she covered her self under the blanket again and tied her bra clasp.)

Archana: ankit... Sachmein fifty shades of grey hein tum.!

Ankit: eyssaa kyu?

Archana: Priyanka ke sath ye sab kuch Kiya wobhi bb mein 🤣

Priyanka:oh hello!! Kuch nahi huwa hein!

Sumbul:ohh really😂

Ankit: haan sach bol rahi hum. eyssaa kuch nahi huwa. Aaplog zyada hi soch raha hein.

They all got out in the garden area and did bb athem..

Soundarya: Priyanka are you OK?.

Priyanka: yes i am🙂

Soundarya:are we ok?

Priyanka: soundarya i was not mad at u bcuz u were involved in that conversation with ankit. I was mad.. Bcuz u came in between..and we both like and appreciate things that are between us to stay between us.

Soundarya: ofc.! 🙂


Ankit sat at the table counter starring at Priyanka making breakfast.

Ankit: priyanka?

Priyanka:yes s?

Ankit: can we talk?


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