Day 1 In Goa

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Warning :this chapter contain sexual content. If you're uncomfortable reading it just skip it or not read it at all as this whole part is mostly 18+

Priyankit and goa is the perfect holiday combination.
The two just arrived at their villa with big bags as they planned to spend a week here.
It wasn't easy. It was easy to free off their schedules. But they made it. Now they were going to spend a holiday well earned.

Priyanka pov

Everything's just beautiful. The view is to die for. The place where we're staying is so luxurious. Got our own butlers. And ankit is here. By my side as always. Us sitting on a towel placed on the sand. Watching the waves crash. Everything we dreamt of during biggboss.
I leaned on his shoulder and said
" Wanna go swimming?", I asked. Probably the first time am asking him If he wants to swim. I usually never get in the water. Or it's him who proposes the idea. He looked at me with a big smile and squeezed my cheeks.
" ouch!", I shouted. " now you know how it feels to get pinched like this every single time", he teased. He wasn't wrong. I actually stretched his way more than he just did to mine. " is that a problem?", I asked raising a brow. He stood up and helped me get up as well.
" as long as am feeling your touch. There's no problem at all", he picked me up and ran towards the ocean.
I was laughing out loud... I don't know how many times I asked him to put me down. All went so fast. I didn't even realized when I was thrown in the ocean. He came in, none of us cared we were fully dressed. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He went in the deeper level where only our heads could float. He could stand. But i couldn't. I held onto him so tightly Cuz i knew if I accidentally lose hold, I'm drowning. The water was so deep. Our closeness right now felt deep. My white shirt felt transparent. As my red bra was exposed. He pulled me even more Close to hide my body. He couldn't help but take some quick looks at my upper breasts. " I know that look", I teased. " saving it for tonight", he said with a hint of lust. My cheeks tinted red. I admired his eyes, and he admired mine. Just admiring each other with our genuine smile.
We didn't say anything for a few minutes and just stared. It was our favorite thing to do. Admire each other.

" don't make me strip you in the ocean", he finally broke the sensual silence. And mine nipples felt like pointy rocks. Good thing I was in the water, cuz i knew how wet I was right now. Ankit is bold, with his actions. He'd never talk like this to me, especially in public places. This was something new, and I liked it.
I liked the way he shows that I'm his and he can do whatever he wants to me. I'd let him do whatever he wanted, Cuz I trust him. I know that non of those things would hurt him.
But the idea of getting fucked in the ocean was actually thrilling. But I'm still in my senses to think wisely.
I love feeling him in every way possible. But that doesn't mean, anywhere.

" control...", it was all I could say. I was too aroused, doubting how long was I actually going to stay in my righteous sense. " they can't see us.", he caressed my cheek.
" I just prefer to be in a more covered area..", he smiled at this.
" you know I wasn't going to actually do it... I was messing... But.. If you want it.. Then..", He said and paused.

I actually thought he meant it. I kinda wish he did and also didn't.
Blushing was all I could do. Gosh I hate feeling weak. But the weakness he gave was another kind of electric shock.
I looked down at my hand and noticed how the texture of my skin had changed. That's why I don't swim a lot in the ocean. Sensitive skin. Ankit took a quick look at it but enough for him to understand the situation. " better get you out of the water. Bye bye to my fantasy of making you scream my name in the ocean.", was he drunk? Or was I?
That's two bold sentences in a day. I usually get non. " are you okay?", I needed to know that, it's so unusual of him to be talking like that.
" I don't know.. I thought to be more expressive with my sexual desires. "

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