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The boys looked at her with their innocent looks knowing that she wasn't going to spare none of them.

Priyanka stood there with her armed crossed and her death glare was fixed on ankit.
He gulped down his throat seeing how mad she was and said to her, "i.. I can explain..".

She sighed and replied, "come with me."

"... I know you're mad... But I--", he was expecting for the worst cuz of the situation.

" just follow me", she said leading to their bedroom while ankit followed her.

Once in the room, she made sure to close the door well and turned to ankit who looked terrified.

"... Plz don't be mad at me", he said pulling out his ultimate weapon, his cute little pout.

What happened next, was unexpected for ankit. She ran to him and hugged him tightly saying sorry to him for her last night behavior.

" I'm sorry for yesterday... I was so mean to you... I took out all my frustration on you... Am really sorry.", Priyanka said while tightening her grip.

Still processing, he replied, " I thought you brought me here to rip my throat out", ankit said in a joking way to ease the emotional moment that he could sense was coming.

Priyanka backed away and held his hands," you really care about not just me but yogesh and my family also... Everything that I said yesterday was due to my frustration and I know I was wrong for takin it out on you... I had the whole night to think about it".

" look it's alright.. I know you didn't mean any of it...but why are you feeling frustrated? Tell me.. I can help you.", ankit said cupping her cheeks.

She looked at his eyes seeing all the care and love he has for her. It's truly magical to see how much important you are to someone just by lookin at their eyes.

" anki I love u.. I love u a lot.. And I'm grateful for where we are right now", she took a deep breathing first then said it.

Ankit could feel that this was more serious than he had thought it was. He grabbed her hand and guided her to the bed so they could sit and have a heart to heart convo.

" it's ok, you can tell me. Whatevers bothering you... I'll put an end to it.", he said intertwining their fingers.

" put an end to it?", she asked confused.

He licked his upper lips then bit his bottom one, understanding where this conversation was leading to.

" um...wait.. You mean am the frustration? ", ankit asked even more confused.

Priyanka pov-... No I didn't mean it like that...

" Ankit I-", Priyanka got interrupted by yogesh who entered the room with a ringing phone in his hand.

" your phone...",yogesh said to ankit.

Ankit took a look at Priyanka before getting up. " what went wrong?", he thought while walking away.

Priyanka saw him leave the room, knowing that he's probably hurt right now cuz their convo ended in a misunderstanding way.

" what was that? Why does he look so sad??", yogesh asked priyanka worried for ankit.

" it's fine.. We'll talk it out", she said avoiding the subject and got up.

" alr.. I know you're protective of me.. But ankit would never do wrong to me...he forgot me in that crowd bcuz his main focus was you and am glad he got you out first. Secondly... I can drink at anytime and with whoever I want....", yogesh said angrily.

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