Missing You Already 🥺

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Early morning... And priyankit are already up... They are caressing eo's body with soft touches...

Priyanka:... I'll miss you..

Ankit: I'll miss you more... You don't even answer my calls.

Priyanka: what??... I always do...

Ankit: you don't!

Priyanka: i do!

Ankit:... Fine you do... Happy?

Priyanka: but I do answer your calls..., she said in a baby voice.

Ankit:.. Ok baba.... You do answer my calls.., he said in a cute voice.

Priyanka kept looking at him with a pout... Which gave him the urge to eat her as she looked too cute...

And he even tried to do so.. He started eating her neck till her boobs...

They were having a pretty heaty romance... When he suddenly felt like sneezing..

He backed away from her and sneezed on his elbow..

Priyanka: uummm, she complained

Ankit: what?

Priyanka: you ruined my romantic moment...

Ankit: your romantic moment?

Priyanka: yes!

Ankit: we can continue from where we had stopped.., he said leaning towards her lips.

Priyanka: no... Move...

But he wasn't going to back off so soon.. He changed his direction from her lips to her neck and planted a tone of hickeys.

Priyanka couldn't do anything but scream laughingly.

Priyanka: aaahh!! Stop.. Hahaha!!, She was laughing uncontrollably...

Finally he stopped...

Priyanka looked at him with a cute pout... And ankit gave her a proud smile.

She pushed him and got off the bed... But our boy didn't have enough and wanted more..
He followed her and Priyanka sensed that he was gonna grab her...

So she started running.. And he also ran behind.. Her.. They ran around the house like small kids would... Until he finally caught her at the kitchen...

Priyanka: let me go!, she said while laughing.

Ankit: no way... You're stuck with me..., he said picking her up in bridal style...

Priyanka thought that he was going to the bed... But he went towards the bathroom.

He put her down.. And started removing his clothes...

Priyanka: what are you doing?

Ankit: taking a hot bubble bath... With you.

Priyanka: no.. I'm still on my period...

Ankit: am just asking for a bath... Not to get inside you.. But if you do want that... I've no problem

Priyanka:... Shut up.. I'll only have a bath..

Ankit gave her the naughty smile and she slapped his shoulder...

Priyanka: i said bath only!

Ankit: ik..

They got naked and entered the bath..
The hot water on their body was all what they needed. It soozed them and made them feel light...

Ankit: aaahh... I really needed this...

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