.The Grand Finale.

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Finally it was the finale. Our 5 finalist were all on adrenaline rush. They were all stressing but hid it with their smiles.

Priyanka was getting ready. She was faster than usual. And there was a reason for that. Ankit was waiting for her to practice their dance performance.

Anki's outfit

Anki's outfit

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Pri's outfit

Ankit was already in BB house, laying down on a bench in the garden area

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Ankit was already in BB house, laying down on a bench in the garden area. It wasnt easy for him to come bcuz of his busy schedules. But anything for his pari.

He was laying there waiting for her to come out of the house. Finally she was ready now and stepped out of the house. The moment she saw him , she ran to him with a bubbly face.

He was lost in his thoughts, waiting for Priyanka. Suddenly he heard a voice. It was not just any kind of voice. It was the voice that he's been dying to hear. It was priyanka.

Priyanka: ANKI!!!!!! , she screamed in happiness while running to him.

He quickly got up and hugged her so tightly. He let out a deep sigh of relief as he felt complete. While priyanka was just giggling ..cuz she was too happy to see him.

Priyanka: kaise ho?, she said while closing her eyes to feel the moment.

Ankit: abh tikh hein...., he said in a reliefed voice and with closed eyes.

She smiled hearing him say that now he's fine in her embrace.

Priyanka: miss kiya?, she said while hugging him.

Ankit: meine kabhi nahi socha ki itna miss karoge, he tighten his grip even more when he said this.

They were too close right now. And that made priyanka a little conscious as they were surrounded by people right now.

She tried to pull back but he didn't let her. Instead he just wrapped his hands around her waist and she automatically wrapped her around his neck. They starred into eo's eyes until priyanka spoke.

Priyanka: sachii??, she was still not believing that ankit gupta missed her so much.

Ankit: haann...bahut miss kiya., he said while switching his eyes to her lips.

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