Jealousy Is At Its Peak

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" priyanka ", he whispered.

This woke her up from her thoughts.
Ankit grab her arm and pulled towards him, now they were facing each other. He noticed a tear escaping from her eyes.

He wiped it while saying,

" I've hurt u a lot "

She gave him a fake smile and said.

" what already happened between us happened, now we should focus on our present. Me and you are just friends." her voice went weak at the last sentence.

Ankit didnt know why but his heart pinched when she said that they are just friends. But he was helpless and couldn't do anything so he just gave a fake smile too.

Despite them smiling at each other. Their eyes were reflecting pain and unsaid thoughts. They could read what each were feeling.

Ankit put his palm on her face to relax her and she closed her eyes to relax.

They went under the blanket again to be safe from cameras. He slide his hands from her face touching everything that came in between her face and her belly. Priyankas mouth widened cuz her confusion was at its peak. But she wanted to feel the moment so she blocked those thoughts.

His hand went on her waist and caressed it through her shirt. Priyanka couldn't refuse his touch .. Cuz she felt peace from it she snaked her arms around his torso and said.

" you made me cry a lot u know "

Ankit: I know .... But I promise to u that I would never ever let one tear escape from ur eyes.

Priyanka: how are you gonna do that., she said teasingly.

Ankit: I have my own methods., ( he hugged her tightly and she hugged him back)

They slept like that under the blanket.
Pri's sleep was broken by the actions of ankit. His face was buried in her chest her chin was resting on his head. She didnt want people to question their relationship so she tried to wake him up but in vain. Instead he got more closer and entangle their legs. She was breathing heavily and then a sound  escaped her when she felt a wet feeling on her chest, she winced.

Ankit sensed her movement and pulled back.

Ankit: good morning ., he said in a sleepy voice.

Priyanka: good...( she got cut off by ankit as he pulled her into a tight hug)

They were not under the blanket anymore so she was more cautious .

Priyanka: ankii..noo! ( she got out of his embrace with struggle)

Ankit: whats  wrong?

Priyanka: go back to sleep ( she turned opposite to him and tried to sleep again, but she couldn't as someone kept on teasing her)

Ankit was stretching her pant's waistband. Priyanka kicked him to signal him to stop but he didn't, he had no intention of stopping until she gives him his hug.

Priyanka: anki ... Stop... I want to sleep.

Ankit: so do I ... But I won't be able to sleep unless u hug me.

Priyanka:you are such a baby. Just close your eyes and u will fall asleep.

Ankit had enough so he back hugged her. She froze at his sudden gesture.

His hands snaked around her waist and his leg crossing with her leg, got her feeling nervous.

He then pulled back when he got the hug that he badly needed and slept like a baby.

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