Small Fight

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Priyanka woke up finding herself wrapped in ankit's arm. She could feel his breath on her neck. She could smell his colonge. She loved this one and always tells ankit to wear this one and he would wear it.

She wanted to go pee but she couldnt move. He emprisoned her in his embrace. It was almost impossible for her to get out.

Priyanka: anki!!, she said shaking his hand that was wrapped around her stomach.

His eyes opened up slowly and once opened completely he found himself spooning priyanka. He was still sleepy so he ruffled his face against her neck.

Priyanka: anki... Let go...

Ankit: never, he said in a stuff voice as his face was buried in her neck.

Priyanka: i need to pee!

Ankit: I'll come with you then.

Priyanka:no.. I'll be quick.

Ankit: am still coming.

His stubbornness won and he accompanied her to the bathroom.

Priyanka: anki!! Turn the other way!!

Ankit:why?? I've already seen everything.

Priyanka: am peeing!

Ankit: and..

Priyanka: get out!


Priyanka: then turn the other way!

Ankit: fine.

He looked the other way while she was using the bathroom.

They walked back to their room and was about to lay on their bed.

Priyanka: anki.. Am hungry.

Ankit: what?? But its

Priyanka:so?? Am hungry! And am on antibiotics.. I should be eating more.

Ankit: fine... What do you want to eat?

Priyanka: noodles.

Ankit: come I'll make noodles and I'll feed you noodles.

She nodded happily and they walked to the kitchen.

They tried to be silent so that they don't wake rashmeet up.

He then put in a bowl and fed her.
After the first bite she took a pause... Before reviewing his cooking skills.

Her  face was showing all kind of taste.

Priyanka: ummhh!!! Its so good! Give me more..

Ankit: really?... I want to taste it too..
, he said bringing a fork of noodles to his mouth.

But before he could taste it... Priyanka snatched it away from him.

Ankit:hey... I want to taste it too... If you saying its yummy..

Priyanka: you made it for me naa... So let me eat it all.

He snatched it back and tasted it with difficulty as Priyanka was trying her best to snatch it from him again.

Instead of swallowing it.. He spits it out.

Ankit: chiiiii!!! That's so bad!!!

Priyanka remained quiet and watched him insulting his own cuisine.

Ankit: you find this yummy???, he said shockingly.

She just nodded no..

Ankit: then why were you willing to eat it all??

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