Happiness Has No Bounds

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They cuddled and slept for 2hours only cuz bb had disturb their sleep last night .. Everyone was finding it hard to wake up and go to the bb anthem but they all gathered themselves and went to the bb anthem. After the anthem bb announced that the second part of the torture task would be carried on Monday.

Once it was done ankit held priyanka's arm and pulled her to him resulting her body hitting against his chest. She yelped at his sudden pull.

Then they both went inside to have their breakfast. Ankit made sure priyanka ate well as last time she fell unconscious and he didn't want that to happen again. Once done, priyanka changed into her gym clothes and went to work out along with some other housemates. Ankit was doing his dishes duty but he was trying to finish it quickly as he knows priyanka was going to work out and he wouldn't want to miss that at all🙈

And he wasnt the only one who was rushing their duties just to go see priyanka work out.

Priyanka started off by stretching and shiv was teasing her by jumping continuously over her. Mc also was flirting with her.

Mc: pri you dont need to work out.

Pri: when did you start calling me pri??, she said laughingly.

Mc: aagar larki itni hot hein.... Toh I will call her by a nickname.

Ankit heard everything and witnessed everything ..he was fuming in anger and walked back inside cuz he was too jealous and also furious cuz priyanka was flirting back too. But he changed his path again back to priyanka when he saw shalin and vikas taking a seat in front of her to watch her work out.

Shalin: sare larke priyanka ko dekhne aya hein, he said eyeing ankit.

Vikas: priyanka kitni lucky hein .... She's getting all the boys for herself.
,he also said eyeing ankit .

Priyanka was observing what they were doing to her anki boii... And decided to tease him as well.

Priyanka: OHH HELLOO... You guys are the lucky ones.. To have such a nice view early morning ...

All guys laughed except ankit who was giving a death stare to all of them.

Each and every guy hit a pickup line on her trying their best to make ankit reach his limits and priyanka also played along.

And they finally succeeded in that .

Ankit was too angry with not just the boys but priyanka also as she was flirting back. He stormed out from there and went into their bedroom covering himself completly under priyanka's blanket. Priyanka saw him and quit her workout to go check on him as she felt that she really did too much out there.

Priyanka came inside the room and saw a body , which she had guessed was ankit completely covered under her blanket.

Priyanka: heyy...thats mine...

Ankit: weren't you enjoying yourself over there with other people ... So I needed something from you too .

She laughed at how cute he was when he was jealous.

Priyanka: ANKII!!! , she said getting closer to their bed.

She tried to uncover him so that she could see his face.. But he was just too pissed to come out ..

She kept on pulling the blanket, then started hitting him with a pillow but none work.

Then she got an idea. She sat on him. Her on top of him.. Her legs parted, his torso in between those parted legs, her both hands on his chest for support, ankit just laid there shocked.

Ankit: what are you doing?? Get up!!

Priyanka: what happened to you..?
You are usually the one who does these .. So I thought why not switch it up for once.

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