Gifts 🤗

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Both of them couldn't find their sleep despite trying so hard...

She gave up and called him. But he didn't answered as he was currently in the bathroom and his phone was in silent mode.

When he came back he saw that he got a missed call from priyanka. He immediately called her cuz he didn't want this fight to get drag and needed to ended this shit now.

Priyanka was even more pissed now with him ignoring her calls. She was just trying to fix things but he wouldn't even answer.

She lied back down her side trying again to sleep with hurt feelings. But then her phone started ringing. She immediately got up and picked it up hoping it was ankit.

And indeed it was him. Once she answered the call she was served with an awkward silence as neither ankit nor priyanka didn't know what to say as they were both hurt with eo.

But then priyanka cracked the silent and spoke.

Priyanka: do you have something to say?

Ankit: you called me first... I called you back.. So you must have something to say...

Ankitpov-dumbasss you were supposes to end this fight!!, he said cursing himself.

Priyanka: yeah... I called you like a thousand times yesterday too... But you didn't answer... Cuz you were so busy right??, she said sarcastically.

Ankit: prii... She's just a very good friend of mine! Are you doubting me?

Priyanka: no am not!... I'm just pissed that you didn't told me a girl was coming over at your house during midnight.

Ankit: that's bcuz I didn't know they were coming.... It was a surprise visit.

Priyanka: wait a minute they?

Ankit: yes.... Param came too.

Priyanka thought that ankit was alone with that girl that's why she was getting mad at him... And on top of that he didn't told her about her coming that night. But when she heard that his friend param too was with them she felt stupid and cursed herself for having such kind of thoughts.

Priyanka: I thought... That... (ankit cut her off)

Ankit: you thought that... We were alone! And you don't have trust in me.

Priyanka: ankit!  I trust you more than I trust myself! I can never doubt you!

Ankit: then... Why were you mad?

Priyanka:... Well firstly... Am still mad!.  Secondly you didn't answer my calls at all...,thirdly... You yelled at me today... And lastly who wouldn't get possessive when they see their man with someone else.

Ankit:...  am sorry... I shouldn't have spoken to you like that earlier.... I was just hurt by your words..

Priyanka: am sorry too... I shouldn't have said that!

Ankit: waisse... I like it when you call me your man...,he said blushingly.

Priyanka: you are mine!

Ankit:...  and you belong to me..

Priyanka: who else would I belong to?

Ankit: me, me and me!

She giggled at his sentence and requested to switch the voice call into video call.

Ankit:  finally am able to see that smile on your face!

Priyanka: the lighting is so low... All the lights are off except for that little one... How can you know that I'm smiling.?

Ankit: I can still see you even in the darkess times.

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