Don'T Go

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It was around 10am...and priyankit was still sleeping in eo's embrace. Despite of their alarms ringing they didn't wake up to it.

Ankit's sleep broke first due to the pain he was feeling in his arm. His arm stayed under priyanka's back the whole night and now it could barely move.

It was hurting too much so he had to take out his arm slowly... But he couldn't as priyanka was laying on it.

He then tried again, trying to not wake her up.
But he failed into doing that. She was awaken by his movements. She looked at him with her sleepy eyes and said something in a sleepy voice.

Priyanka:..whe.. Where... Are... You...going...?

Ankit:... My arm hurt.

Priyanka: take it out..., she fumbled.

She then lifted her back a little so that he could take out his arm. The moment it got out he felt like his arm lost all of its functions. It became numb. He got off her and lied next to her on the bed with his numb hand extended.

Ankit: .. I can't feel anything.

Priyanka: am.. Sorry.., she said looking at him with sleepy eyes.

Ankit:.. It's alright. ...

Priyanka: what time is it?

Ankit looked at the clock but didn't reply to her. He didn't mind sleeping till 10am...but priyanka would... She always wakes up before 6.30am..

After not getting any reply from him, she looked at it herself. She instantly sat straight on the bed and looked at her phone. She had gotten so many miss calls from her manager..

Priyanka: ohh godd!! .. Noo... I have an interview online in 10mins...!!

Ankit was about to say something but before that she had already left to the bathroom. She didn't had time to show or anything... She just brushed her teeth, fixed her hair.. And did a light make-up to look presentable for the interview.

She went in the living room and sat on the couch. Ankit also was getting ready now.. He was brushing his teeth while priyanka was getting ready for the interview.

The interviewer was asking her questions about whether she thought about doing kkk.

Priyanka:... Not right now... I'm more focused on acting rn.. Besides... I just did one reality show so... I think I'll take a break before attacking a new reality show.

Then the interviewer asked another question. But he's words got mixed up with his small laughter when a half naked ankit walked behind priyanka and the guy could see him on camera.

And so could priyanka. It took a little seconds for her to realize his presence on the screen. When she did realized she immediately turned back and yelled at him...

Priyanka: ankiii!!!!!

Ankit turned to her when he heard her and looked at her with questioned eyes.

Ankit: what??

Priyanka: wear something..

Ankit: what's the problem with this?

Priyanka: you're on the screen..., she said laughing nervously.

Ankit: I.. I... Shittt!!, he said running to the other side where he wouldn't be visible on the screen.

Priyanka kept on laughing nervously and turned back to her laptop to talk to the interviewer. She tried to change the topic but the guy wouldn't let her. He teased both of them and made priyanka blushed impossibly.

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