Frieza's now dead.

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Frieza is now powering up and Y/N just waits. Finally he finishes.

Frieza: Thanks for waiting.

Y/N: Alright can we fight no-

He guts punched in the gut and starts getting hit with a combo.

Y/N: 'Ok this is kinda hurting now.'

Frieza: I just love how easy it is to get away with this shit with you people! I want to transform, you just sit there and let me. I want to blow the planet up, you just sit there and let me! I want to reach 100% power... and you just sit right there and let me!

Y/N looks up unfazed

Y/N: So you done?

He gets hit again. Then Frieza pushes him into the ground deep enough that lava shoots out.

Frieza: Well, now you're Super Saiyan soup! High in Vitamin Dumbass! Ahahahaa... uh? Oh God, what's up with the sky? This planet really is about to blow! I give it, like... two minutes, tops. I better get to my ship and-

Y/N comes out and kicks him into a mountain


Y/N: And you're nothing but an overgrown dildo.

Y/N looks over and sees Porunga.

Y/N: The Dragon?

Frieza: What Dragon?

He looks over and sees Porunga.

Frieza: ...Well, I'll be damned! Immortalityismine!

He flies over and Y/N follows. He catches up and tries to punch him away but Frieza dodges and they start trading hits again.

Frieza: Will. You. Just. Piss off already!?

Y/N: Nah, I don't think I will.

Frieza kicks Y/N in the balls to keep him off for a bit.


He flies over to Porunga.

Frieza: Filthy wish-dragon! Grant me immortality, as so I may ride myself, these vile creatures, and secure myself as ruler of all creation!!

Porunga (In Namekian): Your wish has been granted.

Then everyone on the planet disappears except for Y/N and Frieza.

Frieza: What the- No! This isn't what I wished for! WHAT'S GOING ON!?

Dende: Down here!

Frieza: Yooou... No-ooo... No-ooo, you didn't!

Dende: So what if I did!? What are you gonna do about it, huh!? Come at me, bro!

Frieza: HIYAAH!

He fires a beam at Dende but he disappears before it can hit him.

Vegita: Hey Frieza!

Y/N: Vegita!?

Vegita: Y/N!? I thought you died! What happened to your hair!? What happened to your eyes!?

Y/N: Ok, don't get mad. But I may or may not have turned into a Super Saiyan before you.

Vegita: WHAT!? HO-

She disappears.

Y/N: ...Really?

Then the Dragon Balls scatter again.

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