Y/N. A Saiyan with unbelievable potential. He was sent off Planet Vegeta because King Vegeta was afraid that if he lost control Planet Vegeta and the Saiyan's would be done for. When he becomes an adult he gets found by Vegita and her crew.
(Y/N wi...
Gohan: Ok! You're about to learn how to fly! It's just a matter of controlling ki, so it's not too hard. Although, it can get tricky when you try to go fast.
Y/N: Heh. That's what she said.
Gohan: ...Really?
Videl: Is he always this immature?
Y/N: What? My personality is made by a 13 year old. What do you expect?
Take 2
Videl: Is he always this immature?
Gohan: Only when he wants to be. Anyways.
Videl: You said something about controlling "ki". What's "ki".
Gohan: What!? You've got to be... oh, maybe you have a different word for it. You know, it's the energy... the latent power... in your body...
Videl: What?... What are you talking about, "latent power"?
Y/N leans over to Gohan and whispers in his ear.
Y/N: She's not used to this. She hasn't been doing this since she was young like you and Goten have. She's just the daughter of someone I hope to injure in the tournament, remember?
Gohan: Can't be. Then how did Krillin and the others we worked with have it?
Goten: It's like this.
Videl: Huh?
He sends out a blast and destroys some trees.
Gohan: Yeah. That kind of energy.
Videl: ...Oh... right...
Gohan: So what do you call it?
Videl: Um... A trick?
Gohan: It's not a trick! It's real power!
Videl: Then it's magic! I don't know!! I never heard of it!
Gohan: Wait a minute... You actually never...
Y/N: Told you.
Gohan: This could be a problem...
Videl: Do you need it to fly!?
Gohan: Don't worry! Everyone has ki! It's just hard to control it.
Videl: Really!?
Gohan: Goten, you'll have to wait a bit. First I have to teach Videl how to access her ki.