...Wrong Androids...

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Vegita: Pure... unadulterated... badass.

Tien: Yeah, more like pure unadulterated ego.

Vegita: I heard that Triclops!

Tien: Is that ok?

Vegita: As a matter of fact, go fuck yourself! Now where was I-

She gets punched in the face by 19

Vegita: Hm... what a shame... Looks like you just initiated your self-destruct sequence. Let me give you a countdown. Five!

She kicks him so hard in the stomach that you can see the indent in his back. As she's beating the fuck out of him she's also counting down. After she rips off his hands she gets to one.


She then lands.

Vegita:, Ah, now that we have Chuckles the Assclown out of the picture, how about we tend to the elderly-

She looks to see him no where to be found.

Vegita: ...The fuck did he go. *sigh* Whatever. Baldy, pass me a Senzu Bean.

Krillin: What, do you think I'm just giving these away!? ....Cuz I'm not.

He tosses her one anyway and she eats it

Vegita: When a goddamn Super Saiyan asks for a Senzu Bean, bald man, you say "how many?"

She transforms into a Super Saiyan again.

Vegita: That's better. Count yourselves lucky to be in the presence of a shining golden God such as myself. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to go kill the OTHER Android. You peons may stay here and erect a statue in my honor.

Y/N: I'm coming with.

Vegita: Only Super Saiyan's can follow m-

Y/N turns Super Saiyan

Vegita: Oh right. Come on.

They fly away to find the Old Android

Vegita: So since he's an Android we can't feel his energy? That doesn't make any sense!

Y/N: I know. Energy sensing is bullshit.

They land

Vegita: Hey, why you hiding? You scared cuz I blew up your friend!? I'd call it your sexbot, but as your currently demonstrating... YOU DON'T HAVE ANY BALLS! ...Ah man, sure do feel winded after blowing up your robosexual life partner! Sure would suck if you jumped me and took my energy! Oh no! Dust in my eyes! This is the worst!

Y/N: You fuckin suck at acting.


She charges a ki blast and throws it down. The Old Android jumps out and absorbs it

Old Android: And now you're energy is mine!

Vegita: But that's exactly what I was planning on. I knew you couldn't resist jumping out to suckle on my Super Saiyan teat!

Y/N: The fuck?

Vegita: And now you're mine, all mine, you old le-

He starts running away and Vegita chases after him

Y/N: Goddamn it!

He chases after Vegita

Vegita: This tactical shit's getting really old! Now you get out here, and fight me blindly like a man! Or a... mandroid.

The last male Saiyan (sort of) (Male Reader X Dragon Ball Harem)Where stories live. Discover now