Gohan VS Cell

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Cell: You really want to fight me, boy? Ha! Leave this to the professionals.

Gohan doesn't say anything.

Cell: So. You interrupt my victory celebration BEFORE IT EVEN BEGAN. Just to not talk and stand there? Whatever. Goki.

Goki: Huh?

Goki: I want you to know, while I'm busy POUNDING your son. (pause) I'll be thinking of you and Y/N the entire time.

Gohan: 'Thinking about it, I might actually have the advantage here. He took as much of a beating as Mom and Mr. Y/N combined, if not more. And after spending a year with Mom in that Time Chamber, I'm at least as strong as she is now. And then, If I play it carefully, I could actually win thi- what is he doing?'

He sees Cell walking towards the group.

Vegita: What the hell are you doing!?

Cell: Don't mind me.

He walks over to an unconscious Y/N and puts his hand on his chest.

Trunks: I feel like we should be stopping this.

Trunks was right to feel that way because he just took all of Y/N's energy (aka the rest of it) which was, conveniently enough, enough to bring Cell back to full power.

Cell: That's better.

He jumps back down to Gohan.

Gohan: 'I'm dead. I'm going to die here's

He starts powering up

Vegita: Welp, that's it. We're done. It was nice knowing you all.

Goki: Stop with that. Gohan might have this. Gohan might be 11 years old, but he's also like, I dunno, a hundred times stronger than I was at that age!

Piccolo: Goki...

Goki: He's been keeping pace with us since he was a baby. I mean, you should know. You kidnapped him.

Piccolo: Goki!...

Goki: And after spending that year alone with him, I know more than anyone that he's going to-

Piccolo: GOKI!

Goki: What!?

He gestures towards Cell punching the shit out of Gohan.

Cell: Thinkin of you, Goki!

Another disclaimer. I, "Black_ShyGuy" do not condone child violence. I will, however, continue to explain it.

After beating Gohan's face in he kicks him down to the floor.

Cell: You're quite a treat to knock around, kid... durable like your mother and Y/N, but soft like Chi Chi. But if you think the only way to win is to not play, I have news for you, brat: ... You're playing the wrong game!

He jumps up and throws a ki blast down, knocking Gohan back and on the ground. He throws more and Gohan rolls on the floor to dodge them. Gohan then gets up and dodges even more ki blasts. Cell then teleports behind him and holds up a hand.

Cell: Game over, kid.

The sheer wind pressure is enough to send Gohan through a few mountains.

Trunks: Is- is he dead?...

Goki: Gohan! Stop hiding your power level and come out!

Gohan: *sigh*

He blows up the mountains.

Cell: Oh, goody.

Gohan: C-can I say something?

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