Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 Joe. Black-bellied. Han

    Qiao Han stroked the seagull.

    The seagull's back feathers are white, and there is a ring of gray around the edges of the wings. The hair on the top of the head is not smooth enough, and it is a little curled up, like a bunch of dull hair.

    She didn't deny that the purpose of attracting the seagull was to kidnap Long Qianye, and he must have cared about it because he fought for the seagull. It's just that he didn't expect him to say "kill it". He would rather watch the seagull die than have it become his weakness. If the front foot likes the back foot, he can kill it.

    Really like a cold-blooded big devil.

    Long. Cold-blooded. Qian. Great Demon King. Ye was lying on the hospital bed with his arms behind his head, and "I don't care" was written all over from the strands of his hair to the soles of his feet.

    Suddenly no one was silent, and the scene was so embarrassing that one could pick out three rooms and one living room with his toes.

    Mai Yingze didn't know whether he should be called a guard or not. With the strength of the two big bosses, even if the guards came, they were just as cannon fodder, which was of little significance.

    Seeing his embarrassment, Qiao Han waved his hand to signal him to leave.

    The door opened and closed, and there were only two people left in the infirmary.

    One stood and the other lay down, one touched the seagull, and the other touched the fish. The one who touched the seagull walked to the hospital bed, stretched out his finger, and poked Moyu.

    Because the distance is getting closer, the pheromone of the sweet and milky aroma becomes stronger. Long Qianye wanted to say "Climb for me" fiercely, but the words turned into an awkward "Why?" Qiao

    Han Stretching his arms, he sent the seagull to Long Qianye's eyes.

    "Hey, give it back to you." She deliberately used a tone word, coupled with a purely natural sweet voice, soft, as if she was giving in.

    Long Qianye looked at Qiao Han, then at the dizzy seagull, but did not answer.

    He asked suspiciously: "What on earth do you want?"

    Qiao Han looked at him sincerely: "I shouldn't threaten you." Because it's useless.

    Unexpectedly, she would admit her mistake, Long Qianye was stunned for a rare moment, and after recovering, a look of uneasiness flashed across his face, and he said in a disguised way: "It's just a seagull, it's not a threat."

    Despite what he said, his hand carried the seagull over.

    Ou Bao blinked his small soybean-sized eyes, and looked at Qiao Han reluctantly. Although he was full of the fragrance, the little cutie's hands were so soft, he didn't want to leave, and asked to touch.

    Hearing Ou Bao's inner OS, Long Qianye couldn't help but glance at Qiao Han's hand.

    It's small, tender, and has a sunken meaty hole, which is very suitable for holding and playing with, or being touched by her, which seems to be good. Wait, what was he thinking, why would he want to be touched by an A?

    Long Qianye pursed his lips, got down from the other side of the bed, walked around in a big circle to the window, and let go of the seagull.

    The seagull lingered outside the window for a while, seeing that Long Qianye blocked the window to prevent him from entering, he flapped his wings and flew away in frustration.

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