Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 Jealous

    In order to avoid surveillance, Long Qianye did not take the elevator, but took the stairs.

    As soon as he got down to the second floor, the seagull flew in front of him from the corridor window, chirping, "Omega, Omega, three Omega." "

    What are you talking about?" Long Qianye stretched out his arm, the seagull stood up, and continued Narrative "Oubao heard it, add friends, add quickly, milk fragrance added three Omega friends".

    The scent of milk is what seagulls call Qiao Han. After hearing this, Long Qianye immediately understood what was going on.

    Qiao Han added three Omega as friends!

    Thinking of Father Qiao's coming, isn't it that her family arranged a blind date for her?

    Long Qianye pursed his lower lip, his eyes were burning with anger, but his mouth was bitter.

    As soon as he left, she went on a blind date. Even if he couldn't have a baby, she didn't have to be so impatient, right? Adding three in one go, she won't be exhausted!

    The sour gas in his stomach rose up one after another, and he couldn't stop it. Long Qianye rubbed the seagull's little head, leaving a trace of spiritual power on it.

    "Go, smash her window for me, if she wants to chase you, run here."

    Seeing Long Qianye's terrifying expression, Oubao didn't dare to refuse, and spread his wings and flew away.

    There was a "crash" from upstairs, followed by the sound of footsteps.

    A moment later, Qiao Han appeared on the turning platform on the second floor.

    She checked with her mental strength, and after making sure that there was no one around, she asked Long Qianye who was leaning against the wall: "What's wrong?"

    Seeing her innocent expression, Long Qianye couldn't tell what it was like, and the bitterness stuck in his throat , with fishy sweetness.

    Without saying a word, he took off his trousers, lifted the hem of his jacket and bit it in his mouth. In broad daylight, he was white and tender, like a sacrificial lamb.

    "Fuck me." The sunlight came in from the window, dyeing his beautiful face red.

    Red and white, pink and black, form a sharp contrast under the strong summer sun.

    The unique and alluring pheromone rushed towards Qiao Han, and her eyes turned red subconsciously.

    "People may see here." With only a little reason left, Qiao Han was reminded that the occasion was not secret enough.

    The corners of Long Qianye's eyes were red, and in front of Qiao Han, his slender and white fingers pointed all the way down.

    Frozen barriers are everywhere, and gorgeous sparks bloom.

    When the tide was just falling, Long Qianye narrowed his black eyes to provoke Qiao Han: "Hmph."

    Qiao Han's eyes darkened.

    The tide in the Hanjiang River is fast, and the wind and waves in Longhu Lake are surging.

    Outside the window, Ou Bao's small eyes like black beans blinked, but he still didn't understand what's so fun about this game.

    The tide was falling again, Long Qianye had suspicious water marks in the corner of his eyes, and he provocatively said in a hoarse voice, "Hmph."

    Are you not convinced? Qiao Han straightened his back.

    "Is it enough?"


    Qiao Han speeded up.

    Long Qianye's tears wet his long black eyelashes.

    Qiao Han stopped his movements.

    "Good boy." She checked that Xialong Qianye was not injured, and dressed him in his resistance.

    Long Qianye's eyes were red, and he grabbed the skirt of his shirt and said stubbornly to Qiao Han, "You can't feed me enough."

    Qiao Han's hands were itchy, and he pinched Long Qianye.

    "You just can't feed me." Long Qianye repeated stubbornly: "You can't even feed one, can you stand three?"

    Three? Qiao Han caught a glimpse of the seagull outside the window and vaguely understood it.

    She opened the bracelet, stood on tiptoe, and leaned in front of Long Qianyeyan.

    In the communication column, the newly added friend is empty.

    "I can't even feed you, how dare I find someone else?" Qiao Han stroked Long Qianye's hair to comfort him.

    Long Qianye stared at the empty interface, the corners of his mouth were bent upwards, and he felt bad when he bent halfway.

    "Did I squeeze you dry?" There was pride and splendor on his face that he didn't realize.

    Qiao Han said against his will: "Yes."

    Little Qiao wept silently.

    "Are you looking for another O?"

    "No." Qiao Han said honestly.

    Long Qianye knowingly asked: "Why?"

    "Because I was squeezed dry by you." Qiao Han coaxed him.

    Satisfied, Long Qianye knelt down and served the spirited little Qiao with all his heart.

    "Hiss..." Qiao Han took a breath.

    She suddenly felt that what Long Qianye said was quite right, she might be squeezed dry by him.

    On the third floor, the warden's office.

    Seeing that Qiao Han hadn't come back for a long time, Qiao's father went out to look for him worriedly.

    He was planning to take the elevator down, but suddenly heard movement in the stairwell, so he followed the sound to find it.

    The author has something to say: Thank you for the female man's sister paper mine, thank Africa Xiaozi for the nutrient solution that does not speak.

    The deposit box has been squeezed dry.

    Don't think it is short, it has been repaired.

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