Chapter 53

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Chapter 53 Ending

    After the fake "correspondence evidence" appeared in the world, Shi Hai, the old patriarch of the Shi family, finally realized that Long Qianye was completely out of their control.

    At the same time, the conflict between Shi Hai and his son, Shi Sen, the current patriarch of the Shi family, is growing day by day.

    Shi Sen was dissatisfied with Shi Hai's cover for the criminal who murdered his daughter. After the collusion with pirates was exposed, although Shi Hai tried his best to deny it, Shi Sen did not believe it.

    On the grounds of endangering the family's reputation and future, he convened a family meeting, intending to revoke Shi Hai's right to use family power.

    Unwilling to sit still and wait for death, Shi Hai uses his network to obstruct him everywhere.

    There is civil strife in the teacher's family, and the major families are not at peace.

    After the Qiao family implemented the elite policy, the effect was excellent. The warden who took office after passing the family test brought huge profits to the Qiao family, and there was no need to look for investment at all.

    After other families learned about it, they followed suit and took the route of elitism.

    But as time goes by, the elites within the major families occupy more and more resources, while ordinary members can get fewer and fewer resources.

    No one is a fool when it comes to their own interests.

    As a result, a large number of bottom-level members of the major families left the family.

    However, this did not attract the attention of the family. Even if some patriarchs felt that it was not good, they quickly indulged in the benefits brought by the elite, and did not care about the exodus of the bottom.

    After the bottom of the family left, the original middle class became the bottom.

    These middle classes also resented being exploited by the upper echelons of the family and the elite.

    Doing more and more work, getting less and less pay, how can the middle class who are smarter than the bottom class not see that staying in the family will only make life more and more difficult.

    As a result, after the bottom layer left, the middle layers of the major families also left the family one after another.

    Now, the big families finally panicked.

    Only then did they realize that it was not the 1% of the elite that allowed the entire family to prosper, but the 99% of ordinary members.

    So the major families urgently used various means to retain the middle class.

    At first, under the coercion and lure of the patriarch, some middle-level people chose to stay.

    But after staying, they found that the situation of being exploited has not improved at all, because the middle class who left left a lot of work, and they have to be done by those who stayed. The patriarchs and elites disdain to do dirty work and have no Good work.

    The remaining middle-level people regretted it too much. They couldn't leave the family for the time being, and they began to strike passively, keen to add chaos to the family.

    Due to family turmoil, the elites of each family are limited, and there are a lot of vacant positions in society.

    And after the little emperor Lan Zhan proposed to elect the prime minister, the candidates and those who wanted to run for the election began to pay attention to people's livelihood.

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