Chapter 44

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Chapter 44 Surrender

    The military building has seven floors. Long Qianye's office is at the corner of the sixth floor. There is a huge L-shaped viewing window in the room.

    Today's weather is fine and cloudless. At one o'clock in the afternoon, the sun shines into the room through the bright and clean windows, making it bright.

    On the large desk, Long Qianye, dressed in a dark blue marshal uniform, was lying on his stomach, his white palms tightly grasping the edge of the table, so hard that the three golden stars on his shoulders trembled.

    Belts are missing, and the hem of the jacket is not where it should be, but is rolled up and piled up above the waistline.


    loud applause resounded throughout the room, Long Qianye whimpered, and the muscles all over his body tensed due to the strange pain.



    was another slap.

    "Well, nineteen."

    The undulating hills trembled, cherry blossoms bloomed one by one on the hills that did not see the sun all year round, and the snow-colored hills gradually became pink and white, eye-catching and beautiful.

    In the valley, the water trickles, wet the grass on both sides.

    "Say," Qiao Han's voice was sweet and cold, and surging pheromones filled the office: "You are mine." Hot

    sweat dripped down Long Qianye's smooth forehead, and beads of sweat slid over the corners of bright red eyes and peach-red eyes. On his cheeks, water droplets condensed on the chin, and dripped on the marble floor with a "patta".

    After a hoarse gasp, Long Qianye half raised his upper body and turned his head.

    His watery eyes were full of admiration. He stared at Qiao Han and licked his lips, "Little Naibing, I'm yours.

    " The force of refusal pushes people down.

    Looking around inch by inch, Qiao Han suddenly felt that the scars on Long Qianye's body were an eyesore.

    Fingertips brushed over long or short scars, and Qiao Han leaned down and pressed against Long Qianye's ear and asked, "Where is mine? Huh?" Along with the upward tune, he pressed and

    kneaded vigorously, which was painful and painful. The comfortable feeling made Long Qianye straighten his neck, and the glands at the back of his neck turned red with excitement.

    "I am yours, everything is yours, and everything is yours."

    Long Qianye turned his head, eagerly looking for Qiao Han's lips.

    Enjoying the soft and thin lips that came to the door, Qiao Han pressed Long Qianye and asked: "Where is it here?" "





    "It's all yours. Pulling

    out his fingers, Qiao Han clasped Long Qianye, and slowly opened the zipper.

    With his hands cut behind his back, the Grand Marshal of the Empire blushed: "I... well, let me go."

    "No." Qiao Han's eyes darkened.

    There was a violent storm.

    At first, Long Qianye was able to grit his teeth and endure, but as the degree deepened, he couldn't bear it and wept softly.

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