Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 Oh Freedom

    Qiao Han's ears were itchy, and Long Qianye's intense pheromones filled her nose, and her callused fingers ignited fires everywhere, making her heart hot.

    Exhausting all his self-control, Qiao Han grabbed Long Qianye's hands, clasped his fingers together, and then pressed them against the back of the chair with a "slap".

    "Don't make trouble." She stood up and looked down at Long Qianye, with a little impatience in her voice, and her eyes warned him not to play with fire.

    Not only did Long Qianye not struggle, but he stretched out his legs, leaned against the back of the chair, and let Qiao Han suppress his hands. There seemed to be hooks in his eyes. He tilted his head slightly, revealing his fair neck, and his chest rose and fell with his breath, begging The appearance of picking.

    As the boat swayed back and forth with the waves, Qiao Han's senses became extraordinarily sharp, and she licked her dry lips.

    "Are you nervous?"

    Qiao Han asked Long Qianye in a hoarse voice. Last time he was jealous and upset, and he also seduced her abnormally. He didn't seem to be able to express emotions normally.

    Long Qianye pursed his lips and whispered, "Kiss me."

    Qiao Han lowered his head.

    "Clatter!" A huge tentacle suddenly appeared outside the porthole, the small ship shook violently, and Wu Yi's scream came from outside the cabin door.

    "Sea monsters have sea monsters! Help!"

    Qiao Han: "..."

    Long Qianye muttered, "Why did it follow?", and reluctantly put away the pheromone.

    Are the tentacles of the king squid so smart? It can detect his pheromone even without leaving the hatch?

    Qiao Han panted for a while against Long Qianye's lips, and listened carefully.

    "It's not your pheromone." She let go of her hand and walked to the deck with strange steps.

    The seagull stopped on the white sail, Qiao Han waved at it.

    "Go back."

    The seagull shook its head, frightened by Qiao Han's terrible anger, it spread its wings and flew away.

    A shadow slipped across the sea, and with the seagulls gone, the shaking ship gradually returned to normal.

    Qiao Han nodded to the helmsman in the cockpit, signaling him to continue driving.

    Facing Shang Wu Yi's frightened eyes, Qiao Han told him "kindly": "The king squid you got didn't run away, it was domesticated by me and Long Qianye." Surprised

    ? Is it surprising?

    "You fart..." Wu Yi wanted to deny it, but when he moved his hand, the iron chain rattled. He knew that the situation was over, so he simply smashed the jar and cursed: "Qiao Han, you bastard! Don't think that arresting me can save Long Qianye, You two have a nasty, heart-changing, A-A relationship, bah! You don’t want to win with your teacher, that bastard Long Qianye will definitely be sentenced to death! Die today! Ah!!!” Wu Yi curled up into a ball and

    hugged The lower abdomen twitched on the ground.

    Qiao Han withdrew his feet expressionlessly, and looked at the terrified Prison Supervisor Lin.

    "Prisoner Wu Yi was punished for insulting the warden. Do you have any objections?"

    "No, no." Warden Lin didn't dare to look directly at Qiao Han. He lowered his head and saw a pool of yellow stains on Wu Yi's body.

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