Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 The Ring

    The ice floe drifted to the dark sea, and the giant squid's huge body was swinging limply in the sea. It smelled a familiar scent, and moved its tentacles along with the sea water a few times, listlessly.

    On the ice floe, Long Qianye lay on his side, and Qiao Han buried his head in his arms.

    "Hiss, where's the medicine?"

    Long Qianye pushed Qiao Han, Qiao Han said vaguely with something in his mouth, "You take it yourself."

    Long Qianye looked at her, there was nowhere to hide things in the thin diving suit.

    "Where is it?"

    Qiao Han took Long Qianye's hand and put it inside the diving suit.

    After a while, Long Qianye, panting heavily, took out two thumb-sized Xiaoshi tablets and threw them to Wuwu.

    Wuwu swallowed the digestion tablet, and after a while, its body shook, spewed out a ball of ink like a hiccup, and waved its tentacles cheerfully.

    "Crash!" The sea water surged and overturned the ice floe, Long Qianye and Qiao Han fell into the water.

    Qiao Han sucked in the sea water and had to let go of his mouth, his face full of reluctance.

    The Persians were raised by tree gods after they were born. When they were babies, the tree gods would feed them nutrient solution through the branches. The tops of the branches were round granules, and Qiao Han developed a habit of sucking such things.

    However, Qiao Han never showed his hobby before he got involved with Long Qianye.

    As for the aftermath...

    Long Qianye lowered his head, raised his head again, endured the uncomfortable feeling of swelling in his chest, and said helplessly: "Really, you know I can't give birth."

    Qiao Han put his head on Long Qianye's shoulder , bit his earlobe.

    "I don't care." She just likes to suck and bite.

    His heart trembled, and Long Qianye hugged Qiao Han hesitantly: "You really don't care?"

    "I don't like children," Qiao Han said honestly, "I came to be the warden because I want to quit my preschool teacher major."

    The Persians don't raise their children, they leave them to the tree gods, and Qiao Han finds out that the cubs of the Blue Stars are not perfect after birth, and it is troublesome to raise them, so she doesn't want it.

    Sensing that Long Qianye's heartbeat was too fast, Qiao Han turned to look at him suspiciously.

    "You want?"

    If Long Qianye wanted a cub, Qiao Han was willing to help repair his glands.

    "I, I don't know." A trace of confusion flashed in Long Qianye's eyes: "I don't want it now." "

    Okay, I'll listen to you." Qiao Han leaned over and kissed Long Qianye's lips.

    Seeing the two hugging each other, Wu Wu inexplicably felt sour in his cavity, belched three times in a row, and spewed out a big ball of ink.

    Long Qianye released his mental power, and the light array blocked the black ink.

    This thing can't be washed off when it gets on my body, so it's hard to explain after I go back.

    Many hard objects in the ink fell on the light array, making a "jingling" sound. With a thought, Long Qianye raised his hand, and the two hard objects were pulled by spiritual force and landed on his palm.

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