Chapter 49

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Chapter 49 Observation

    The chill was like a tarsal maggot, Ming Zhan's face turned blue from the cold, she realized something was wrong, and immediately pushed Sang Mian towards the helicopter.

    "Let's go!"

    His mind froze, Ming Zhan even forgot that Sang Mian didn't have to run away.

    Sang Mian staggered, then turned to look at Ming Zhan. The anxiety on her face did not seem to be fake, and the concern in her eyes was genuine.

    Heart trembling, Sang Mian wiped her eyes, and asked Ming Zhan bitterly.

    "Why did you arrest me?"

    Isn't it good to be her prison honestly? Don't make trouble.

    "I'm not going to another prison." Ming Zhan moved his legs as heavy as sandbags, "I want to be with you." "

    Rogue!" Sang Mian fiercely supported her.

    Knowing that it was wrong, he still went to the helicopter with Ming Zhan.

    It was only too late. A few seconds later, a figure appeared behind the two of them.

    Seeing Sang Mian supporting Ming Zhan, the ice arrow in Qiao Han's palm froze.

    She felt that Sang Mian didn't look like he was being held hostage, but rather that he wanted to elope with the prisoner.

    Sensing Qiao Han's arrival, Ming Zhan subconsciously stood in front of Sang Mian, and after seeing Qiao Han's puzzled face, she belatedly picked up the electric shock baton.

    "Stop pretending." Sang Mian, an honest man, couldn't stand it anymore, and pulled Ming Zhan's clothes: "This is our Warden Qiao."

    Looking up and down with presumptuous eyes, Ming Zhan released pheromones without fear of death.

    Strong tobacco smell, hot and choking.

    "Little girl, you let me and Xiao Mianmian go, how about I owe you a favor?"

    The same sex repelled, Qiao Han's throat was choked by Ming Zhan's pheromone, half-closed his eyes, and the ice arrow was about to fly .

    "What nonsense are you talking about!" Afraid that Qiao Han would get angry, Sang Mian yelled loudly, "Admit your mistake!"

    In order to help Ming Zhan, Sang Mian deliberately used "admit wrong" instead of "confess".

    Hearing what Sang Mian meant, Ming Zhan folded his arms.

    "Are you going to change prisons after admitting your mistake?"

    "I... I don't know."

    "Hey, little girl, I apologize to you for admitting my mistake, can you not change my cell?" Ming Zhan rushed Qiao Han said.

    Seeing that Qiao Han didn't answer, Ming Zhan added shamelessly: "Just treat it as if I owe you one more favor."

    Looking at the anxiously looking forward to Sang Mian, and then at the unpredictable Ming Zhan, Qiao Han said no. He let out a Frostbolt.

    The blue hexagonal arrow changed from one to two, then two to four, and in just a few seconds, it turned into a rain of arrows and hit Ming Zhan.

    However, in the next second, Qiao Han's eyebrows jumped.

    The ice arrow rain went straight through Mingzhan and landed on the ground, and "Mingzhan" dissipated like smoke.

    It turned out to be a supernatural power.

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