Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 I Want to Marry Him

    "Xiaohan, can you treat him now?" Qiao Ming asked impatiently. When there is no hope, I live day by day, hating that time passes too slowly. There was hope, and he couldn't help feeling anxious.

    Qiao Han nodded, but didn't ask Qiao Ming if he knew about the main courtyard.

    She asked Qiao Ming to watch the yard, and don't bother anyone who comes. Don't disturb her and Long Qianye.

    Qiao Ming nodded solemnly, picked up a brick, and stood guard at the door of his house.

    Qiao Han and Long Qianye walked into Qiao Zhe's room together.

    On a special hospital bed, Qiao Zhe fell asleep quietly, and the small ventilator beside the bed was pumping air up and down.

    Qiao Han and Long Qianye introduced Qiao Zhe's situation, and the two of them released their mental power at the same time in a tacit understanding.

    The mental power of one cold and one hot is fused together, just adjusted to a mild level. Qiao Han guided the special radiation from the universe to repair Qiao Zhe's blood.

    Although Qiao Zhe turned into a vegetable, under Qiao Ming's careful care, his body was not seriously damaged, so the restoration work was completed smoothly.

    Qiao Han looked at Long Qianye and saw that he was not tired, so he continued.

    The fused mental power breaks through the blood-brain barrier and enters the brain.

    As soon as he entered the brain domain, Qiao Han's perception range was greatly reduced. Countless blood vessels, nerves, and various cell tissues were intertwined, and the situation was intricate.

    The pressure increased, but Qiao Han became calmer. She reduced her mental power to the nanometer level, and tried Qiao Zhe's brain bit by bit.

    During the extremely slow probing, Qiao Han discovered that the blue star's brain was very miraculous.

    Completely different from their frail bodies, the brains of the Blue Stars are as sophisticated as the Perseids, and their nerves are extremely developed. The response mechanism is relatively backward, such as the fight-flight feedback mechanism, such as the instant gratification mechanism, etc. These Perseids do not have it.

    But Qiao Han did, because her spiritual power merged with the little girl from the Blue Star, so she also gradually developed the "feelings" of the Blue Star.

    Qiao Han has already noticed this.

    It's just that she still doesn't understand what emotion is, and she often confuses emotion with desire.

    However, with the deepening of integration and Long Qianye's "help", Qiao Han vaguely touched the edge of emotion, and slowly learned to express it.

    Maybe one day in the future, when Qiao Han really understands feelings, she will be able to say "I love you" like the Blue Star people.

    Only now, she is still learning.

    Due to the large number of synapses in the brain, the narrow blood vessels, the two lines of veins and arteries, and the presence of sensitive capillaries, amygdala, and brain stem, Qiao Han and Long Qianye did not dare to act rashly.

    The fused mental power of the two carefully hooked a nano-scale blood spot and removed it, but after the blood spot was removed, that piece began to bleed. Fortunately, the two reacted quickly and stopped the tiny bleeding spot in time.     Accidents like this can happen at any time, even if they are as strong as Qiao Han and Long Qianye, they will be overwhelmed after half an hour with such high-intensity use of mental power and concentration.     "Withdraw."     Qiao Han and Long Qianye withdrew their mental power, sweating profusely.     Long Qianye dragged a chair with trembling hands, but he didn't sit on it himself, letting Qiao Han sit.     Qiao Han directly pushed Long Qianye onto the chair and sat on his lap.     There was a violent heartbeat in his ears, and Qiao Han grabbed Long Qianye's T-shirt repeatedly.     "Is it uncomfortable?"     Long Qianye thought that Qiao Han asked him about the exhaustion of his mental power, so he immediately replied that he was not uncomfortable.     Little Naibing's elder brother is his elder brother, it's not hard to serve his elder brother! Long Qianye was very satisfied with his wit.     "It's not uncomfortable and I will wear it often in the future."

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