Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 Once?

    Under the starry sky, on the beach, Qiao Han dressed Long Qianye.

    Long Qianye's whole body was sore and limp, he couldn't even lift a finger, and his voice was so hoarse that he shouted for help ten thousand times.

    "It hurts..."

    Qiao Han lowered his head, kissed Long Qianye's lips, held him in his arms, and kissed the tooth marks on the back of his neck.

    The pheromone poured in along the glands, and Qiao Han comforted the humming and whimpering person: "Good boy."

    Long Qianye couldn't stand Qiao Han saying this word in a soft and sweet tone, which made his heart almost want to follow. The body turns into water together.

    "You..." It took him a while to recover his voice, the shame was beyond words, "let me go."

    Qiao Han glanced at Long Qianye's red ears, and said seriously: "Your hot flashes don't seem to be over yet. Help me again."

    After speaking, without waiting for Long Qianye's objection, Qiao Han immediately put his words into practice.

    As a believer in pragmatism, she has always made the best use of people.

    The clothes fell on the ground with aggrievedness, I hate it, since I have to take it off, why wear it up.

    It was late at night, the stars got into the clouds, and Ou Bao buried his head under his wings and fell asleep. Its good friend stopped making noise, because he could no longer scream. As for the sound of water, Oubao can bear it.

    When the tide subsided, this time, Long Qianye didn't even have the strength to move his toes. He half-closed his eyes, and the corners of his eyes were dimly watered. Qiao Han helped him dress, and carried him back to the dormitory quietly.

    It was the first time in his life that he was sober and hugged by the princess. Long Qianye said: "I'm very tired, I don't have the energy to be shy."

    Qiao Han's dormitory is not big, with not much furniture. There is an iron single bed, and wooden tables, chairs and cabinets are placed against the wall, and Sang Mian cleans them on weekdays. Although Sang Mian is dumb, she is very diligent, and the room is simple and clean.

    Putting the person on the bed, Qiao Han went to the bathroom to turn on hot water, took a small plastic stool and put it under the shower, then hugged Long Qianye and let him sit on the stool.

    The stool was short, and Long Qianye stretched out his two long legs, with his hands resting on them, barely starting to cover up. With his back against the white tiles, his eyes are half-closed, his untidy look has long been replaced by mist, sleepy and unwilling to sleep, he looks like a big baby.

    "Is it cold?" Qiao Han adjusted the water temperature with the shower.

    Long Qianye snorted with his nose, and Qiao Han understood in seconds that he thought he was cold.

    Is this what it feels like to be tagged? Qiao Han pressed the position of his heart, couldn't help but poke his head over and kiss Long Qianye again.

    "Hum..." Long Qianye didn't have the strength to turn his head, so he could only express his dissatisfaction with a nasal voice. Qiao Han pretended not to hear, threw the shower, and pressed the man against the wall to kiss him so hard that he couldn't even hum.

    Qiao Han became more and more violent, and Long Qianye couldn't bear it, and when his lips parted, he was about to cry in a broken voice.

    "It hurts!"

Marshal is always bullied and cries[Female A Male O]Where stories live. Discover now